Prophetic Soaking Music


"Out with the OLD and IN with the NEW!" As the saying goes.

Farewell yet another year! UN-believable!

Where has the time gone?

I would have to say that 2010 has been one of thee most emotionally challenging years I have had in my entire life....easily....and I am happy to wish it a found ado!
 I can only hope, pray and trust that 2011 will bring some what less of a tsunami of emotional and physical trials my way. If not at least that I will have learned how better to walk in the peace afforded me through Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus our Messiah).
What with all the relational challenges in my life, (in and out of the family), changes in leadership at church, at work, conquering nasty melanoma and breaking multiple bones in my body at differing times; and deaths in my immediate family,  (just to name a "few" )...I am ready for a NEW Year to begin!
"Out with the OLD and IN with  the NEW!" As the saying goes.

So whatcha' say? anyone care to join me?

I really have no idea what 2011 holds for me. It very well may be just as hard as 2010, for all I know. But I am bound and determined NOT to look back no matter what!

If there is ONE thin I know for sure. It is that the Lord loves me. HE has brought me through all of this. HE has allowed me to go through 2010.....and I made it through. The waters rose high and they did not over take me; the fire burned hot but it did not consume me. People, friends and family turned away from me, but HE, the Lord, stayed right by my side and in fact when I could go no further, HE carried me.

The Lord showed me a secret place inside the mountain.
When I cried out to Him, "Lord I can not climb this mountain! I can not!"
The Lord answered, "My precious Amy. I am not asking you to climb the mountain. Follow me inside the mountain."

That's when He shared with me about wisdom and knowledge being the true treasures of life. How they are learned through life's struggles. Then He went on to compare them to the treasures found INSIDE the mountains caves.  As the Lord spoke to me I had a vision of what He was saying.

"Although the mountain top is beautiful," the Lord said, "and most everyone sets their sights on reaching the top of the mountain, the deepest darkest part of the caves is where the most precious treasures are found. One must first find the cave then dig deep and mine into the wall of the cave to find precious rubies and sapphire and diamonds. On the wall of the cave you'll find gold dust to get to the purest gold you need to dig deep inside."

I was utterly amazed at what the Lord was showing me and telling me.....He continued by sharing with me about King David.....and all the time he spent in the caves and what he wrote in the caves; all the wisdom that came forth from his time spent INSIDE the mountain caves. The Lord also shared about Apostle Paul and his time in prison (or in a cave) and ALL the "nuggets of treasures" that came forth from his time as well and John and others as well.

This was quite a beautiful time I had with the Lord. As always ....this time seemed especially healing for me  though.

And so I look especially forward to what ever 2011 holds for me...and who ever my precious Master allows in my life.

May the Lord Bless you as well this coming New Year!!

p.s. I Miss you