Prophetic Soaking Music


God's Good Byes

God’s Good Byes
Written by: Amy Colleen All Rights Reserved

Picture by - Bill Watterson 

God’s timing is sometimes hard to understand
Often we try but just can’t as mere man
Diamonds are like God’s final plans for our life
Such beauty crafted from hearts of filled with pain and strife

God is moving once again
On man’s behalf - a means to an end
One day we will all look back and see
Diamonds cut from this harsh reality
But now we must hug and say our farewells  
Yes it is hard, harder than any of us wish to tell
Exceptions made for you and I
Soon we'll be together again in the sweet ol' bye and bye!
As God’s goodbyes are simply farewells ~
Until we meet again.”
Jesus, his son is returning soon!
So make haste to do his work until then!

Bill Watterson


A Mother's Heart

Having a child changes you. Whether you are a man or a woman. Becoming a father or a mother. I am, however (in this post) speaking about the woman.

There are certain things that can never be understood by the "heart" regarding motherhood unless you are a mother. Even if you are a father, and I will add, even a great father.

This is a short post and the sole purpose of the preceding few sentences is to explain to the reader I am speaking about the woman. About the mother. 
Also, please let me make it perfectly clear. Let the reader fully understand that I am by any means demeaning the role of the man or the love of a father. Both roles are equally important. I am simply making a point and giving a shout out today directed at one and not the other today.

This being said, I just want to take a moment and give a great big THANKS and kudos to someone (who will remain nameless at this time) for going out of her way for blessing me, simply because they could.

A woman, become Mother. 

It was a subtle expression of understanding. 
Done out of love, prompted from a Mother's Heart.

Thank you.


I love you

Every where I turned today I saw reminders of my son. I couldn't make it out of my bed without seeing his picture smack dab in front of me. Then of course I spent time praying for him. At work various calls came through with names, familiar voices and  personalities that brought me back to times and places we enjoyed each others company. After work I had to make a run to two different clothing stores. Both were stores I regularly shopped at for my son. I just couldn't catch a break. There was no way I was NOT going to think about my son today. I miss him so much. My heart hurts. I think I miss him more actually because of the anticipation of the possibility of his never coming around again. Sad, huh? I feel so bad about what I said to him on the phone. I was so hurt. So incredibly hurt. I wish I could take it all back. But I can't. I know this. I also know that the Lord has promised to use my shortcomings for something good. Turn it around for the good of this situation, (if you will) our relationship; to each other and most importantly, to the Lord Himself.
That's a promise in the Holy Scripture.

I love you my son. I know you will probably never read my blogs but I just want, need to say it. I love you. I always have and always will. I love you with all my heart. Please forgive me.  Mom



I was going to create a whole new blog. Then I thought about it a little more and decided that the title of this blog is, "The Fire Within." So I believe I am entitled to a little transparency. And possibly those who read this may even appreciate it. Who knows.

I am doing this in the hopes that somehow my writing it down will bring healing in the end. Healing to me and possibly even to someone else who might be reading these posts. You see I am going through a great deal of pain and suffering right now. Sometimes it is so great I feel like I won't be able to make it through the night. (key words here is * feel like.) This is where the title phrase,  "The Fire Within " comes to play in my life.

"The Fire Within" me is the Holy Spirit of God.

He is what gives me the strength I need to carry on each day. He is what gives me my comfort and my hope for each day and each tomorrow. It is because of Holy Spirit I can close my eyes at the end of a weeping session, in peace and fall fast asleep knowing I am safe in the hands of Abba Father. Precious, beautiful Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit -the promised gift of Yeshua.

Honestly, right now I am struggling each day with severe pain. Oh it's not the kind most everyone is thinking. (those of you that know me.) I wake up each morning and I feel the pain, physically in my heart, of my estranged children. Yes, it is physical pain. Yes, I do have physical aliments to deal with. However these aliments are a direct result of the relation issues between my estranged children and myself. The heart ache it is causing me has escalated from just emotional to literally physical heart issues. Not good.

Why? Well, simply put; because I can't just simply lay these relationships at the feet of Yeshua and leave them there and just trust the Lord to take care of them. The end.

Oh, how simple in deed! I soooo wish I could do that! Oh how I have prayed and fasted and prayed and wept and sought the Lord for help in being able to do this! I have cried and cried out to the Lord, "Please Lord help me to just leave them here at your feet! Take them from me! Help me to forget them! I forgive them! Please!!!!"
To no avail. Ugh

Again, I ask, why?
Because, they are MY CHILDREN. I love them. I can not stop thinking about them or loving them as long as I have breath in this body - ever. No matter what the enemy, through what ever means has thus far successfully convinced them to think otherwise. This will always be true.

So one weeping session as I was talking with the Lord about such things.
(so you understand, I was walking around my bedroom, living room; every where I walked there were pictures of me and my kids) I was overwhelmed with hurt I cried out to the Lord in anger, not at the Lord, not even at my kids, just out of sheer pain. I cried out to him,
"I just want to forget about them - all of them!"

(The Lord is so loving, kind and compassionate. He always knows exactly what to say and how to say it.)

Now of course, I don't want to forget my children, any of them. Even at that time I didn't want to. I was just so hurt. I can't even begin to put those feelings into words. I just burst out in anger.

The Lord knew that and He knew what I needed to hear too.
This is what the Lord had to say to me.
He began to talk to me about us. You - me - and all the rest of His children. Mostly His children that are away from Him at the moment. (Estranged, if you will)

He told me how much He missed those who had wandered away from Him. Those that left the flock.
It broke my heart. We sat in silence for what seemed an eternity.

Then He said to me, "AmyColleen,...Not a day goes by that I do not think about each and every one of my lost sheep. Every child of God. "

(Before I could even ask the question - and I was thinking to asking the question - the Lord went on to answer it)

"And yes, Amy, it hurts, but I do not forget them, I remember them and pray for them and watch over them. The Father looks after His children. You should not forget but believe - stay faithful for you will reap your just reward in due season. Remember to see with the eyes of your spirit not the eyes of the flesh."


I don't understand the why of what is going on right now with my relationship with my older children.
I do know that I trust God. I know that I love God above all else and everyone else.
He, is the "Fire Within" AmyColleen.

I love my children. Unconditionally, with the love of Yeshua. I will continue to do so and will trust Him to bring reconciliation in truth through the Blood of Yeshua shed for us all.
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" Psalm 34:18

With the Lord...there is ALWAYS hope.

So......How many times can a heart be broken and still be repaired?
Take a 1000 piece puzzle with three pieces missing
Throw it to the ground and then scoop it up place it in a small box and place it in my chest…..This is my heart.

I feel as though I have almost completed this puzzle so many times and then, out of know where the puzzle explodes and falls to the ground, and I am left with a gapping whole in my chest.

Oh Lord, I can’t do it any more
I have never liked puzzles to begin with!
Now…I like them even less….and now….where my heart used to beat; it just hurts.
I need you, Lord.  I need you to pick up the broken pieces of my heart, for me…and put them all back together…..please. 

Piece by piece 
One at a time
Our Heavenly Father gently puts each piece of my heart in line

Counting each one
No matter which design 
Our Daddy God is sure each broken piece to find

Sitting in amazement
At my Lord’s feet
I watch as My Daddy God accomplishes this amazing feat

A struggle in tears;
A work for me
Is for God, a simple act of compassionate love that flows freely

Surrounded in Glory
Healing in His Wings
I am filled with Peace as His Heavenly Hosts Sing

Praises to the Lord
Mighty God above
Lord God of all, filled with compassion and love

Praise to the Lord!
Mighty God above
Lord God of all…..FILLED with compassion and love!



Learning to Let Go

The Lord Giveth and He Taketh Away

I find myself in a bit of a quandary. I honestly did not expect to be here. I figured we would have been through all this by now. All the healing that is; from the broken, then blended homes. I mean, it has been twenty four years. Apparently not. So here I sit face with the choice to hold on - or let go and let God. 

I am fifty years old and my youngest child is going to turn nineteen years old in just a couple of months. Some might say I am experiencing empty nest syndrome or something of that nature but truthfully it is much much more than that. I have been working up to this point for years now. Ever since, sadly enough, my first husband and I divorced some twenty four years ago. It wasn't easy or pretty then and it has been a struggle ever since to "let go" and "trust God" ever since with my children's lives. 

Well now that all my children, all five, to include my two beautiful daughters from my husband of 22 years as well as my three boys from my first husband, have grown up and are all  adults.
I am faced with the task of "letting them go"....again.

Of course as the reader you are thinking, "But of course! Let God! It's a no brainer!"
It's just not that easy. You see, I have let go many times before. Then in a few years something else pops up and I end up having to let go all over again. Let there be no mistaking the enemy has his mind set to kill - steal and destroy this family that is for sure!  At this point and time my oldest children are completely unaware of the enemies tactics. Thus the reason I am finding so hard to let go this time. I guess there is a part of me that is worried when I let go it will be like saying "good-bye" forever. Even though I "know" in my spirit the Lord has promised otherwise.

BUT the title of this blog is "learning to let go" and learning I am. Sometimes when we don't have the strength to do what is best for ourselves, the Lord helps us out. He sees our heart, knows we desire to please Him and steps in. The means to the end is not always "pain-less" but it does the trick. If we will just take the step of faith to take His hand and trust Him He will never fail us

So, today I did just that. Hard as it was. Very, very hard. I knew it was coming. The Lord told me over four years ago so I could prepare myself. But it was still hard. Without too much detail I can say I am now loving three of my children virtually, only through prayer in the love of God and by the Holy Spirit. Their choice. Not mine. 
It breaks my heart. But what can I do? I live my life for Yeshua, and my life goes on. 

I haven't always felt this way. In fact, for the better part of the last twenty four years I have loved my three sons too much. 

Now, I am learning to let go.

Now maybe God can finally use me fully. 

Mathew 10:37
"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;"
Matthew 6:21
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."



Alone in the midst of the crowd.

I don't really know what to do. Should I stand here, or move out of the way?

Alone in the midst of the crowd.

I don't really know what to say. Should I speak out loud?

Alone in the midst of the crowd.

I don't really know why I'm here. Does anyone even see me?

Lord, I am so alone. Even here in the midst of your people.
I'm so alone in the midst of this crowd.

Hello? Can you you hear me?
Hello? Does anyone even see me?
I'm here in your midst. Every time we gather together. 
When we sing ~ when we pray.
Do you even hear me when I say,

Alone in the midst of the crowd.

Please let us all (consciously) take time to "notice" those around us that we may see often but may not often enough take the time to see

Life is too short to over look those closest to us. Especially when they may be the ones who need us most.

This poem, was inspired by a compilation of exactly what I fore mentioned. People and situations that the Lord had personally brought to MY attention that I am close to. People I have somewhat neglected, assuming all was well. When in fact, quite the opposite. 

As a my dear, precious friend always says to me, "You can only do what you can do."
And though I agree this is true, I would like to add, "How many of us are actually doing THAT?"

God Bless You with the secrets of His Heart as YOU seek His Face in the Riches of The Holy Scripture!


Dream of Darkness

Darkness was everywhere. It was so strange. I felt as if I had been here before. I recognized the people and the surroundings. Everything. The only difference was the darkness; and with the darkness there was a  dank chill in the air. Strangely enough the people were bustling about. Going to and fro like a normal day. We were in a downtown market place. In the city. There was chatter among everyone. What you would expect to hear except the sound had a deep timber to it. The peoples heads were hung low. There seemed to be a visible oppression hanging over them like a fog.

I was there among them in the market place, though they did not see me. Yet at the same time as I made my way through the crowd, each person moved out of the way for me as if they were compelled to do so. They moved completely out of my way. So much so that I couldn't speak to them or even get a good look at them to get their attention. I tried. I wanted so badly to reach out to them. I felt so badly for them. Everyone was so sad. I could feel their loneliness, their pain, their suffering. It was so very dark. More so than night time. Different even than night time. Almost as if there was an opaque, black, blanket of demonic fog or haze that had settled in around the city market place.

I tried for a while to reach out to the people. Then I just stood and watched and cried.

As Jesus spoke to me,

"Be the light you were meant to be. Shine for me. Let me shine through you. Come walk with me and let  my Holy Spirit have full control. See Great and marvelous things. The glorious mysteries of  my kingdom. You, you, are what I desire. I gave myself for you. I gave myself for them. Do you love me ? I love you. Walk with me. Take my hand and walk with me to the true promised land. See the glory of the God all around. Share what I have given you....with those in darkness. I love you them for me."


My life flashed before my eyes

So yesterday, for a brief moment in time, I actually thought my time was up.
I though I was being called home. 

It was truthfully very disconcerting. Not because I am afraid of death,  (as I look at death, for me anyway, one who knows her creator and has been washed in the Blood of Lamb as but a door to eternity with my Lord) but rather I found myself suddenly having visions of people in my head. People I have neglected to reach out to in love and forgiveness and in the name love/Yeshua. I truly believe I had one of those near death experiences where your life flashed quickly before you. Only what flashed before me were very selective pieces of my life. Each having to do with areas of my life that still need tending to in love and mercy.

I was sitting at my desk at work as usual. When suddenly I experience a deep, excruciating, sharp pain in the left side of my chest. It took my breath away. All at once, I could no longer discernibly hear the customer on my head set, all I heard was **babbling in the distance** my vision became cloudy, I stood up and cried out to a neighboring employee on my team, "Help...I need help!"
I don't personally don't remember what happened from that point until paramedic squad got there. My manager was sitting next to me. I just remember seeing her  and about  five fire fighters and they were all asking a bazillion questions. Apparently I had given my manager my husbands phone number and asked her to call him. I was not unconscious during this time, but totally unaware.
I was taken to the hospital by life squad and keep there  for 7.5 hours. They conducted several blood test a CT of my head and called my cardiologist.

From what they saw at the E.R. I did not have a heart attack.

Thankfully, MY LIFE IS IN GOD'S HANDS. :)

I do have atrial fibrillation. I have been on medication for this for several years now.
So I I will be having some extensive testing this week to check for blood clots, narrowing of the arteries as well as total heart muscle function.

I didn't have a heart attack. But I am still exhausted. Apparently there are others out there that have these kind of "a-symptomatic" A-fib attacks quite often. That is just HORRIBLE! Seriously, I feel terrible.

More thank that. I can't stop thinking about the vision I had as it all took place.
If I were to walk away with ONE thing from all of this it would be;
To NOT to put off until tomorrow what/who the Lord puts in my path to minister to today.
As I will be held accountable for everything I have done and everything I have not with what He has given me.
None of knows when  our time is up here in this life.
We should never be so arrogant to think, "OH, I am not going any where for a LONG time!"
For God and God alone is the make an finisher of all life.

Something to think about.

If you are reading this. 

That means you are still alive. 

What are YOU going to do with YOUR TODAY?

After may not be given a TOMORROW.


Worst Day EVER!

Every have one of those days when no matter how hard you try to  just do everything right no matter what - everything  wrong happens instead. From the moment you wake up on the morning you begin to drop things. The words come out of your mouth all jumbled. You forget your lunch on the counter. It starts pouring rain which causes every idiot driver to drive directly in front of you on the way to work causing you to arrive late and forcing you to park all the way in the far end of the parking lot. Of course it isn't until you make it to the employee entrance that you discover you realize your I.D. card is in your other jacket and have to walk all the way around to the front of the building to be let in by security. It is also at this point that you realize your wallet (and I.D.) must have fallen out of your purse in the car and there is no way you are about to walk through all that rain to get money for lunch.  So you just look at the security person with a major death stare...and carry on. Oh yeah. Me too.

So what? Never had one of THESE days? Come on now.

 Everyone has bad days....Right?
Well.   This is true.    I have actually had this day.
So what do you do about it?

Heck if I know.             I try and make FLOWERS.  Sometimes it actually works.   :)

A Word for the Shepherds

Ezekiel 34: 2-6

 1 The word of the LORD came to me:
 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? 3 You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. 4 You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally. 5 So they were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals. 6 My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over the whole earth, and no one searched or looked for them."

Who Will Go?

Who will go and find my lost sheep?
Who will go and who will seek?
Who is willing to leave the prestige?
For canyons and crevasses to return them to me?

Who of my under-shepherds will be like me?
And leave the many for the one you can’t see?
Who will tend to the ones who’ve run off?
Are there any of you willing to count the cost?

Many are your words in your houses built by men.
Now is the time to let them rule your hearts.
Find my lost sheep and bring them in!

"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? 13And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. 
14In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost."
Matthew 18:12-14 


Bleeding on the Inside

Bleeding on the inside, can anyone see?
Invisible tear drops fall silently
One by one they turn away.
Each without a single word to say.
Divinely given, now taken away;
Each without a single word to say.

    I see the eyes of judgment  looking in
 Excusing my pain by way of sin 
   Watching one by one as they turn away
Each without a single word to say
Whose to know, who can see;
    My life, my love, all that is a part of me?

I carried, I bore, I loved and adored.
Now they say they want nothing more.
One by one they turn away.
Each without a single word to say.
Piercing pain, gasping for breath.
This pain is almost worse than death.

Please! Look at me! I am here!
Can't you see my falling tears?
One by one they turn away.
Each without a single word to say.
Oh dear Lord please help them see.
It's you who have given them to me.


A Vision and A Word

It was a normal morning for me. I was up at 6, getting ready for work. Sitting quietly having a yummy cup of coffee in my comfy prayer chair thinking about all that Holy Spirit had spoken to me through the night. Then something changed. I began to pray

Praying in and of itself wasn't out of the norm for my morning routine. It was the visit from Abba Father that rocked my world that morning. 

I began praying as usual for my family and friends. Then while I was praying in the spirit, a sudden Holy Anointing came on me and my prayer focus immediately changed. It changed to intercession for the lost and I felt a crushing grief within my spirit and soul so incredibly heavy that I literally grabbed my chest. Weeping began as I continued to pray in the spirit. Visions of people were flashing through my minds eyes. Then I saw what disturbed me the most. I saw familiar faces. They were believers. I don't know how to explain it other than -  I knew them and I knew they were believers but I don't have any names.

In this vision, I had such sorrow and grief - I could not stop focusing on my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord who were pictured among all the other unbelievers in the last days. All the others who denied the Lord. 

This intercession seemed to last forever. Although in (our) reality I am sure it was but  a few minutes. When I was able to, I asked the Lord. On my knees, I asked Him about the faces I saw. Why they were there among the unbelievers.

This is the Lord's answer,
"In the last days there will be a great falling away. Just as there will be a great harvest. 
My precious AmyColleen, I have shown you a picture of both. 
The time is soon - All who have chosen to follow me, who are still here in this world, will yet again be called upon to make a choice. Trust in me and my ways, and receive a crown of life or trust in the ways of this ruler of this world and be sealed with his mark and receive death. 
Sadly, there will be many who will choose death over life. For wide is the gate that leads to destruction and narrow is the road that leads to life." 

At this point I fell to my face and cried. Knowing that there would be so many brothers and sisters in the Lord that would fall prey to the deception of the enemy and give into his deadly schemes giving up their lives unto eternal death.

Then Abba Father spoke.
Instantly, all at once, 
I felt peace, 
and a sudden Holy Fear fall down upon me like a heavy soft warm invisible blanket.

"Remember, the harvest. I love you."
Was all he said.

Brothers and sisters....THIS is serious stuff! 2 Thessalonians 2
There will be people you and I sit next to in CHURCH! People you and I go to lunch with. The Lord is referring to HIS CHURCH, HIS BODY, falling away, ....take a moment and just think about who you see every time you go to a church function, concert, meeting; Now think about the FACT that a GREAT MANY of US will FALL AWAY.

Sobering thought NO?   Not MY words.....This is straight from the Word of God.
The Great Apostasy

2 Thessalonians 2

 1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.


Houses of light - Dream

January 3, 2012

It was very early in the morning and I had already been awaken at least three time since 2 o'clock am. Such urgency in my spirit. I can not pin point anything. Each time I wake up I feel  the over whelming need to pray for mercy. So I do and fall back asleep as I do. Each new sleep I am met with yet another dream impressing upon my heart the need for prayer. Personal prayer for me and my loved ones as well as prayer for the body of Christ as a whole. Time is running out.

Then - I have the dream. The dream that leaves it's impression on my heart. On my mind. On my soul. The dream I can not shake. I can not forget.
So simple. Yet so intense. Like all the other dreams lately that I have received form the Lord. It was short and straight to the point.

I was in this dream. At the same time I was not really a part of this dream. I was more of an observer able to move freely through this dream.

This dream was the last of three I had this night/early morning of January 3, 2012. The dream right before this one I was flying through the sky with many of my family (in Christ) and my blood family husband and children, we had been challenged in our faith; persecuted for believing on the Lord Yeshua/Jesus. (the short version) Along with many. many others. We chose to fly high up into the sky and far, far away from our oppressors.

The end of this flying dream brings us to the beginning of the dream I wanted to share. The "Houses of Light" dream.

Suddenly there was a great darkness all around. Like a blanket.The sky had become black. No stars. No moon. There was this horrible, loud noise. It sounded like screaming. A multitude of screams together all at once that just continued. It lasted for a period of time. Then, after a short time of complete darkness I could see very small houses begin to light up within the darkness. One right after the other. As I walked through this dream I could see that these houses, the ones with the lights on, were the homes where the believers were gathered together inside. Other than these houses with lights there was nothing but complete darkness.

The air was cold. There were distant sounds of voices crying out. It was so eerie. was as if I was being drawn upwards and away and the land was becoming smaller and smaller.
I was now looking down on the earth from some where in the heavens
That's when I heard "His" voice.
 He said,
"Soon. Stay alert - be watchful."
Then I woke up.


A Prayerfully Personalized 3 Minute Scripture Lift


“I will extol the Lord at all times;
His praise will always be on my lips.
My soul will boast in the Lord;
Let the afflicted hear and rejoice.”

~ Promises ~
“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
The Lord is close to the broken hearted
And saves those who are crushed in spirit.
A righteous man may have many troubles,
But the Lord delivers him from them all;”
“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the Lord
And he will give you the desires of your heart.”
“Better the little that the righteous have
than the wealth of many wicked.”


“I desire to do your will, O my God;
your law is within my heart.
I proclaim your righteousness in the great assembly;
I do not seal my lips,
As you know O Lord.
I do not hide your righteousness in my heart;
I speak of your faithfulness and salvation.
I do not conceal your love and your truth from the great assembly.”

“I do not trust in my bow,
my sword does not bring my victory;
but you give me victory over my enemies,
you put my adversaries to shame.
In God I make my boast all day long,
And I will praise your name forever.”
“I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
Out of the mud and the mire;
He set my feet on a rock
And gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
A hymn of praise to our God.”
“If the Lord delights in a man’s way,
he makes his steps firm;
though he stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”


Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.”
Be Blessed with every good blessing in our Precious Savior and Lord Jesus!

Scriptures, in order in which they were written, taken from the book of Psalms:
Psalms  34: 1,2,17,18,19 -  37: 3,4,16 -  40:8,9,10, -  44:8,9,10  - 40:1,2,3, -  37:23,24  -  55:22