
"What is that?"

Okay so a friend sent me this video below titled "What is that?" I watched it. Sure enough it left it's mark on my soul. It did more than that actually...it stirred me deep inside.

You know I sat here in my prayer chair in my living room with my lap top on my lap, "trying" to watch and "trying" to hear the video over the noise of my husband's lap top. You see my husband was sitting not even 10 ft away from me on the sofa with his lap top on his lap; only he wasn't watching this video. He was watching something altogether different. Some shoot em'up sci-fi show.

As I watched the video with the father and son. I realized the point was being made about the generational gap but also had a major epiphany at the same time about THIS CURRENT GENERATION. With regards to the way we handle relationships.

You know something? My hubby and I are perfectly happy sitting here "together" - "apart".
Something just doesn't seem right about that....and yet....if we weren't sitting here together - apart; doing different things then I suppose we would be some where else apart, doing them.

Should I have to make the choice....(and I have)..I would choose ....to be "together" and "apart", rather than away from each other.

Being perfectly honest, however, I gotta say....I sometimes wish I grew up years ago when times seemed so much less complicated. Of course the key word here is "seemed".

For now...I suppose I shall go with the flow. Not forgetting of course the important things.

No matter what generation, or how we communicate.....it's the listening and the love that matters most.