
Colleen & Benjamin

One more time Colleen glanced up towards the tenor section and stole a quick glance at Benjamin. He was so full of life, all eyes were focused on him. Always being the class clown.

“He won’t notice if I take just one more peek,” Colleen thought to herself.

Sure as her big almond shaped brown eyes took their turn upwards toward Benjamin his eyes were locked on her.

“Oh my goodness!” she thought, blushing cheeks and all. Colleen barley got half a smile out then hung her head down feeling as though the world itself stopped spinning round the sun.

Colleen Daley was an Irish Catholic, sixteen year-old freshman at Monte Vista High School. Standing at about 5’5” weighing 120 lbs. Short auburn red hair that framed her face well. Making her big, brown,  eyes the perfect compliment to a smile that would light up any ones day. Spunky by nature, yet withdrawn and shy to general public. Colleen kept to herself, for the most part. Only a select few got to see Colleens light hearted and fun nature. Colleen was shy, yes, but strong willed and being number 7 on a list of 8 children in her family had learned to be patient and persistent when it came to obtaining anything of worth.

“Thump…thump…thump,”….went Colleens heart. It was as if her world had stopped. Yet the room was spinning at the very same time.

“Oh my goodness,” Colleen thought to herself, “Breath! Breath Colleen!”
Colleen took a deep breath.

Convinced at this point the whole class had witnessed what seemed to be the most embarrassing moment of her entire high school career, Colleen sat down in her chair with a deep sigh.

Benjamin Kieser was a Jewish seventeen year-old senior at Monte Vista High School. He stood six feet tall. Had silky black hair and dark brown eyes and a smile that would prove to be Colleen’s true weakness.

To be cont…….?......Let me know what you think. Should I continue the saga?