
Peace...for YOU.....it's time.

In light of the turmoil in the world right now. All the calls and e-mails I get from friends asking for prayer for themselves and loved ones who "just can't take it anymore". I thought this weekly eDrash from First Fruits of Zion was well worth the re-post!
I truly believe it is on Papa God's heart....maybe a bit more than usual, as even just this very morning the Pastor of my church spoke about this very issue as well!

The Lord CARES about YOU!
No matter WHERE you ARE NOW....WHERE you HAVE BEEN.
If YOU KNOW HIM and are feeling desperate or lacking...CAST YOUR CARE UPON HIM FOR HE CARES FOR YOU!
HE gave it up for you as a sacrifice once for all....and His mercy is new every day.

NOTHING is TOO BIG to be COVERED and CLEANSED by the Blood OF Yeshua/Jesus!

It is Time to Have Some PEACE!
The kind of peace that ONLY God can give!
The kind of Peace God gives....the World can not TAKE away.

"Human beings often live unhappy lives as we flee from pain and pursue pleasure, trying to find comfort in the material world."

Thought for the Week

Taken from FFOZ

Parashat Hashavuah
Tzav - צו : "Command"
Torah : Leviticus 6:1-8:36 (6:8-8:36)
Haftarah : Jeremiah 7:21-8:3; 9:22-23
Gospel : Luke 4-6

Peace with God

How great is peace!

Now I know that peace is the climax of all things in this world; but how do I know that it is to be so in the World to Come?

It is said, [in Isaiah 66:12], "Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river." The Rabbis said, "Great is peace, seeing that when the King Messiah comes, he will publish peace, as it is said [in Isaiah 52:7], "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace." (Leviticus Rabbah 9:9)


Now this is the law of the sacrifice of peace offerings which shall be presented to the LORD. (Leviticus 7:11)

Peace offerings are the sacrifices that are shared by the worshiper and the priesthood. In Leviticus 7, the Torah reiterates the laws of the peace offerings, adding details about which parts of the animal are to be retained by the priesthood, who is fit to eat a peace offering, how quickly the meat has to be eaten and what to do if not all the meat is eaten by the deadline. A peace offering could be eaten by anyone, anywhere, so long as that person was in a state of ritual purity when he or she ate it.

The Torah lists several different types of peace offerings, including votive offerings brought in fulfillment of vows, freewill offerings and the thanksgiving offering. The Passover Lamb was also a type of peace offering.

Peace offerings, however, were never brought for sin. They do not atone or expiate. Instead, the peace offerings represent relationship, fellowship and peace between God and man. Eating of the peace offering was like eating from God's own table. When a person is not at peace with God, he has no peace. God is the absolute subject of reality, so to be at war with God is to be at war with reality.

Human beings often live unhappy lives as we flee from pain and pursue pleasure, trying to find comfort in the material world.

A person does not realize that the reason for his constant angst is that he does not have peace with God.

When a man does not have peace with God, he cannot have peace with himself or with others.

He rages at those who tread on his dignity or offend his pride, and he justifies his own actions at the expense of relationships with his friends and family. He uses other people to try to prop up his fragile ego. He attempts to slake his thirsty soul with vices and to satisfy his fleshly appetites with indulgences, but all of it is useless.
Unless we have peace with God, there is no peace.

"'There is no peace for the wicked,' says the LORD" (Isaiah 48:22).

The good news is that there can be peace with God.

The Apostle Paul says, "While we were [still God's] enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son" (Romans 5:10).

God wants peace with human beings more than human beings want peace with one another. That is why He gave His Son as a sacrifice—a peace offering between God and man.


Just Thinking

Just Thinking

I wonder what would/could happen if the Christian evangelical churches here in America would spend their time and effort during the week, (or even half their time) during each week "actually evangelizing" rather than working in the office, preparing sermons, raising funds and spending time thinking of "new innovative ways to attract people to their church, "so they could get people, saved and fed and healed and delivered and every else that is supposed to be incorporated into evangelism?!?

I mean....seriously...now....for real.

Am I alone on this one?

I have been over and over and over the New Testament. It reads the same..... "Therefore go out into all the world and make disciples of all nations......" Matthew 28:19


Jesus said in Act 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

These are just two verses that talk about our directive to "out into all the land to reach the lost".

Also, I believe we have it completely backwards.

The American Evangelical Church, for the most part anyway. (I don't want to say the entire church because there ARE some denominations and some smaller churches that DO have the right focus, but in general)

You see, so many of the larger churches have such a focus on "getting people into church" so they can then "meet their needs".

That is just "not scriptural".

To evangelism is all about "sharing the love of God for the world". That is includes meeting the needs of those you are evangelizing to. The physical, material, emotional and spiritual needs.

Being "Jesus" to the world.

It is through the love, the agape love of God and the miraculous signs and wonders BEFORE they come into the church.....before they are expected to do, and give.....through this unconditional mercy of God that souls are saved.....lives are changed for eternity.

And when THIS HAPPENS....when someone comes out of the darkness into the light.
When their old life passes away and they no longer have they friends they once knew.....the family in the world they once depended on .....THEY COME RUNNING INTO THE CHURCH on their own....no one has to beg them or call them one the phone or face book them....the church doesn't have to SELL ITSELF.

I truly believe ....if the church...(most especially those in leadership) would take time to sit at the Father's feet..... and Be quiet.......and ask for HIS HEART to be down loaded into theirs. To have enough humility to admit we are not always "right on target".

I truly believe....the church would be so full right now the doors would not be able to close......Just Thinking.


A Dream

March 16, 2010

Three Tornadoes

I was inside a huge church building and I saw out the front window three tornadoes in the distance. I walked up closer to the window and stared at them for a moment and saw them swirling around each other like crazy – back and forth – back and forth.

I hollered out, “Every one! Quick! Get down stairs! There’s a tornado coming! Don’t worry about closing the doors, the wind will get them for you!”

Everyone headed for the basement except for a few people in leadership. They kept working. I stood there staring out the window. Then I saw the three tornadoes come upon a small town just blocks from us. As the tornadoes hit the city…the city instantly went up in flames. At that point I headed for the door of the church and went outside. I had absolutely no fear. I looked straight up into the sky. There were heavy winds blowing all around me and dirt flying because of the hard, dirt ground that surrounded the church grounds. At this point the tornadoes were right above me and the building and I actually saw the “face of a man” in the one tornado - right above me. I recognized the face. Just as soon as I recognized the face - the tornadoes simultaneously dropped like heavy rain upon the church and the ground around ….so much so that the once hard, dry ground became like mud.

Then, people started coming up from the ground like dead people being made alive…..they had bandages on and were all dirty from the mud. Some had scars. They were ugly and some were so old.

I felt so bad for them…..I began to cry out to those that were in the church, “Help! Some body help me, help these poor people! Please!!”

Then the door to the building opened up and one by one a few people came out and began to help those that were covered from the storm and had all those wounds.