
I couldn't hear the song birds any more....Word from the Lord

Good morning to you all! Blessing in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach!
I pray and trust you will be blessed as you trust in our most Glorious Lord today!!!

It is an beautiful fall morning!!!! I am sitting here looking out my living room window. It's Monday, I expect most of you are starting your work week today. Me? Well today is my my day off, from my paid job anyway. I am getting ready to finish up a few chores and then out the door to get that new spiffy hair-do I have been talking about all week!

I am running a tad behind...but for good cause! (this ALWAYS happens to me) You see normally I have my morning s mapped out, during the week anyway. You have to you know? At least if you're a woman who works outta the home and has a family AND is a believer. (can I get any AMENS out there?)

ANYway....as I was sayin' normally I have my mornings mapped out but not so much on Mondays - lol -You see, it is the ONLY day I get to NOT wake up top an alarm at "0 dark:30".

I usually get up, and try and "Come to the Garden Alone. While the dew is still on the roses..." (for those of you who know the song. - *smile*- those of you who are not familiar with the song, that means I get up really early to pray alone)...TODAY, was Monday and I slept in until about 8....ahhhh. *big huge grin* Wonderful feeling! Just lay there talking to the Lord about a little of everything....then got up poured a cup of coffee and continued my conversation with him in my living room.

The windows open and the fresh autumn breeze began to blow in and I could hear the song birds singing and the squirrels barking in the trees. The leaves rustling.
I just stopped talking and sat there....for quite a while. I don't remember "thinking" about anything or anyone in particular. Just sitting and enjoying the beauty of fall in the peaceful presence of my Lord.

Then suddenly out of no where I began to feel worry and a sense of concern....then heart break....I became over whelmed. Even to point of wanting to cry. I could no longer hear the song birds singing....or the squirrels barking.

Just like that. I had been sitting in perfect peace with Jesus....in the most beautiful of surroundings and all of a sudden there it was.

I didn't bring it up....so why was it there?

As a matter of fact, I didn't even realize it, was an it, that need such a magnitude of my attention.
Thankfully the one who knows me, knows my heart from beginning to the end....was here with me and HE knew that it needed not only my attention, but more importantly HIS ATTENTION.

That's when "HE" spoke to me...and that's when I ran and got a paper and pen...I jotted down verbatim what He said to me.
After He spoke and I listened....
My heart ache disappeared and I was filled with peace and joy. All the worry and concern I was feeling melted away.

I wanted to share the Word the Lord gave to me this morning with you because I truly believe there are others who may need to hear it as well.

Please don't hesitate to email me or leave a comment and let me know if it blessed you too!


A Word from the Lord
October 25th, 2010

Divine Obedience

I will move you in perfect time I will not let you fail
If you keep hold of my hand

You may stumble
You may fall
Along this rocky path

But I will lift you right back up
Together we will not miss a step

Trust me

This is a new place I am taking you

This calls for a deeper love - a stronger faith
A trust in me that will deliver DIVINE OBEDIENCE
We will make this happen together

I always keep my promises

Stay close to me and Keep hold of my hand