
Inside the Gate

Inside the Gate

I had a dream that I was driving along a road in my car and I went off the main road and went up a steep, steep, hill. A one way road. I was driving like I was on a mission. I passed a drive way about half way up the steep hilly road, and there were a good number of guards that were trying to get my attention, trying to get me to turn into a particular drive way that was half way up then hill.  (hinds sight - I think they may have been trying to keep me from reaching the the top of the hill) However I was determined to make it to the top of the hill, so I kept driving. I pretended like I didn't hear or see the guards trying to waive me away from the top of the hill. As I neared  top of the hill the road got steeper and steeper and I could see that the atmosphere was brighter and brighter. Which made me even more determined to get to the top.

And I did.

I finally made it...to the top of the hill......there was a HUGE gate at the top. One gate.

The gate only opened IN.
Now that I had reached the top there was no way for me to turn around...and...as I found myself at the top of the illuminated hill I also found myself a teeny bit afraid....a sort of "holy fear" came over me.

Then the gate opened up...and my teeny bit afraid became much afraid...in a good way....as a HUGE...I mean very, very tall...maybe 20 foot angel opened the gate; he didn't look too happy either. He spoke to me and said, "You do not belong here."
He pointed inside the gate. At that, I drove inside the gate just enough so I could turn around....and enough to see something I do not have words to adequately to describe. Then I drove back down the hill and the angel closed the gate behind me.

After I made it safely down the hill...a very large storm began to brew.
The Lord has been speaking to me allot about storms.

THIS was an AWESOME encounter!!!!!


Storm Warning....How many will it take?

I dreampt I was in my home during a GREAT STORM
This storm came suddenly.No one; the people of the town, the church, nor myself, were expecting this storm.
It was as if it woke us up in the middle of the night and wrecked havoc throughout the area.

By morning you see the wide spread but very specific damage. My house was untouched. 

The house next door to mine, belonging to "my family", (although I do not believe it was my blood family. I am inclined to believe it was my family the the Lord...the Body of Christ; the church)

That house, though from the outside looked fine, as though it had not been damaged by the storm. Inside it was totaled. Water and wind damage, both. It was so bad off that those who lived there were told they should no longer do so, for safety sake.

Shortly after I had the first dream after waking and then falling asleep I had another dream.

I was in my home. It was a trailer that was attached, permanently attached, to the sanctuary of a HUGE cathedral.
My two daughters and I were sitting talking amongst ourselves and we felt and we felt a "pre" tremble. (a small earthquake)...and then another one. We felt several very small trembles. We all looked at each other and said about the same time,
"What IS this?"
Then the earth began to ....ShAkE........I said, "It's an earthquake. Come close."
My one daughter came to my side and my other daughter ran towards the church grounds with tears and concerns in her voice she said,
"What about our brothers? They need to be safe too!"

I went to her and touched her arm. I thought for a second,
"Maybe she's right, "Maybe it's safer in the big cathedral than in the small trailer."

Then I saw a man walking walking towards us, from the cathedral, he just gently shook his head and I knew we needed to stay put.

It was Jesus, and it was His peace I felt. More was coming we knew we needed to stay close to each other and to Jesus.


I Can't LIVE without IT!!!!!!

Hello everyone. :)
Or at least everyone who ends up reading this. I am sitting here at Starbucks with eldest daughter just passing the time as she is working ever so hard studying  for one of her college finals. I am here with her, not because I can help her, because  I can't. I don't know the first thing about the subject she is studying. I am here simply to be near her....AND....at her request I might add. She simply put, just wanted to spend time with me. :)

That in and of itself made my heart jump with joy! I don't think I could ever adequately express to my daughter just how wonderful just having her desire spending time with me makes me feel....and I am perfectly happy just sitting here being quiet, doing my own thing, while she does hers. No conversation to speak of really; between the two of us.
Oh yeah, maybe an occasional, "Oh my goodness did you see that cute little boy and his father?" Or maybe and panicked, "I am starting to stress right night! Help me PAAAALEASE!!!! Will you promise to make me finish this home work?"
But aside from that, we are just sitting here enjoying each others company.

You know, I can't help but think that must be how our Heavenly Father feels when we desire to be in His presence.

Just think about it for a moment ~ how often do we - wait - until we feel -that everything is just right - just perfect - we have all our ducks in a row.........before we ask G_d to come spend time with us?
I don't know about you but with me nothing is ever just right - nothing is ever perfect - and I never have all my ducks in a row. If I wait for that to happen I would never have quiet time with Abba Father...

And I could never LIVE without my time alone with G_d! 

All this to say and encourage all of us to not put off for even one moment spending time alone with our Heavenly Father. The moments we spend or give up rather, spending alone with our Abba Father are moments that can never be regained. They are lost forever......Just the same as moments we give up spending with each other or our own children.

Each moment in time has it's own  special divine purpose. If that divine purpose is not recognized and embraced at it's G-d given point in time, it is then passed by until the net moment in time. At which point we have the opportunity to recognize and embrace that moment and it's divine opportunity and purpose and so on. 

Life is full of divine opportunities. They just aren't all the same.

Please know my intention in the post is to encourage not to discourage you...and to remind us all what Jesus said in the book of Revelation 3:20 

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with person, and they with me."

I encourage each and everyone of us to answer the door when we hear the Lord knocking...no matter the time of day or night. I have lived through seasons myself where the Lord has awakened me in the middle of the night for months on end. I will admit, it wasn't easy [in the flesh] at first to get myself out of bed at 2:30 am and go out to the living room to just sit there in the quiet and wait on the Lord....when I knew I had to get up and go to work the net morning.....but it also didn't take long for the presence of Holy Spirit to greet me in my obedience and the Glory of the Lord and the peace of his majesty, Yeshua to fill not only my heart and soul but the entire house. Those were some of thee most incredible times I have EVER had with my G-d! Bar none!

So....when will you hear the voice of the Lord.... answer like Samuel did...."Here I am Lord!. Speak for your servant is listening."  [1 Samuel 1:1-21]



I have been home these last few weeks as opposed to be away every day, all day at work. This has given me opportunity to spend some extended time with the Master. I have enjoyed it. I will surely miss it when I return to work that it for sure!

I have also been blessed during this season of prayer with an increase of visions and dreams as well.
I don't share all of them with everyone, just those that I feel would some how be of benefit to someone or everyone in the body of Christ.

This first interactive type of dream I had is a confirmation to me and I would think to many others I know in the church, who the Lord has spoken to regarding "crossing denominational boundaries" in the body of Christ. This first vision is also a continuation of sorts of one I had not too long ago. I will start off with a brief description of that vision as I think it was just as powerful in it's own right.....

The first vision I had while I was praying one early morning in the sanctuary at the church I attended. I heard the Lord's voice speak to me and say, "Come follow me. Do as I do."

So in my vision I got up from where I was sitting  in the sanctuary and went to where I heard the voice.It was in the foyer. I just stood in utter amazement as I watch the Lord breaking down the outside wall of the foyer. Jesus turned around and handed me a sledge hammer and continued on.  Again I  heard his voice say every so clearly to me, "Come follow me. Do as I do."

The Lord continued to break down the wall of the church until we were outside and I saw a brick side walk. I just copied what he did and followed him. We were about half way down the sidewalk  that wound around to another church and I just stood there and gazed at the site as all around us were fields of wheat ripe for harvest. It was sooooo beautiful! The sidewalk continued from one church to another and all around were fields of wheat ready to be harvested.
I just stood there and gazed. I heard the Lord's voice again. This time I saw him. He was bent over. kneeling down, close to the ground with a sledge hammer, breaking up the sidewalk. He turned toward me and repeated what he said earlier, "Come on now... follow me. Do as I do."
I finally got the nerve to ask Jesus why we were doing this.

At that the Lord turning around, stood up, smiled and said, "My AmyColleen, far too long my church has though it was okay to gather together in these little gathering places, with sidewalks connecting them together as though that would make "as one" in me. My church was never meant to be closed up inside these walls," and the Lord pointed at the churches. "my church is here in the fields." and he swept his arms pointing at the harvest."

At that point the Lord turned back to the sidewalk and started breaking up the sidewalks again.

I was going to share the second dream I had ....but after posting this one....I think I will wait.


I like to think of it as NETWORKING...Jehovah-jireh - cont.

"The Earth is the Lord's and Everything IN it."

Now, the more that I think about this since I posted this dream....and since I have come back to read it...I realize I should probably say a bit more about what I "do" know about it's meaning.

The Lord did speak to my heart that morning after I had the dream about who the group of men represented. The large group of men represented the world,  The smaller group of men represented his church body. The signs above the doors on the office buildings; both the large one on the left and the smaller one on the right side, had the name of a well known BANK. The same bank.  And  In this vision represent God .

I had been specifically praying about provisions for the body of Christ and individuals.
This came as an answer to my prayerful inquiry.

After My time with the Lord, the morning after the Dream/Vision...I was reminded of the scripture in Luke 16:9  where Jesus tells his disciples to be wise and learn from those in the world in area of using their money....
"9"And I say to you,make friends for yourselves by means of the wealth of unrighteousness, so that when it fails,they will receive you into the eternal dwellings."...

I like to think of it as NETWORKING.

Jehovah-jireh -  

So I have been praying for many things and many people lately. Seeking for them and for myself provision and wisdom.

The other night just as I began to take my last waking breath and began to fall fast asleep. My last words to the Master were, "Little or much...I trust you to make a way. Please Lord...open my eyes to see where you are leading."

I had a simple dream. Followed by two scriptures.

It's times like these I wish I had the gifting of my children to be able to whip out a paint brush and prophetically paint what I saw. I don't, so I suppose I will need to use the gift I do have, the gift of gab and type away and try and paint with words what I saw with my eyes in the hopes you will see it too!

This dream I had was a Vision/Dream. A very vivid type of interactive dream where I am in the dream and watching the dream at the same time. So I will describe it to you from the vision stand point as I think this work best.

I saw myself standing in front of a building. It was white, for most part. There were some slight variations see notes following. One floor. I was standing in the middle in front of a walkway. 

The walkway was very short and made of very expensive polished stones. The walkway was trimmed with a few nice garden flowers and garden brush. It lead to a door which resembled what looked to be a front door of someones home. Very cozy. I got the feeling I was "going home" for the evening. 

*Now it is important to remember, this building is all white. Like stucco. One floor. If can picture a panoramic photo. It is long and wide like that.

Okay As I stood there beginning to walk down the very short walkway towards my font door, I saw myself hesitate and I looked to my left and I saw a great many men dressed in suites come out of the building and stand together. Then I saw myself look to the right and I saw just a few of those that I saw when I looked to the left gathered in front of the building on my right.

I just stood there... quimzically, with my hand on the door knob to my house. Looking back and forth. I finally asked the Lord what was going on.

THAT is when I saw the signs above the other parts of the building. 

*Description of the other parts of the building-
   The left side of the building was an office space. A a very large of space with no windows. With the exception of the window on the door. That was only light that came into the office.
    The right side of the building was very much like the left side but very much smaller. The only window that I could see was the window on the door. However, there was a huge light that was shinning out from inside of this side of the building. You could see it illuminating out from the cracks.

Above the very large left sided office space was a very large name of a  BANK sign. Above the smaller right sided office space was a small sign that said BANK.

Now, *** What I saw in the vision***

I was standing in front of my house, in the middle of the two office spaces. It was the end of the day. As I drew close to my door to get home and rest. A great many men dressed in suites came out of the building on the left. Closed and locked the door behind them. They stood for a moment talking amongst themselves. Then I looked to my right to see that some of those very men had left together and gone to gather together at the office space on my right. They looked different now. They were no longer in their suites. They were dressed casually and they had gathered in front of the door and were greeting each other with hugs. Also, I noticed that as they began to enter the building they would look back as if they might be meeting almost in secret.

This is actually when I heard the scriptures the Lord spoke to me.

"The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it," 

That was all he said. The Lord. Then I woke up.

Now I could go on and on...lol As I have in me to do so!! :)
However I will leave this to just the very Dream/vision I had and pray is speaks to you!!

Go to HE who is you provider!

Jehovah-jireh -  

Psalm 24

 1 The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it,
   the world, and all who live in it;
2 for he founded it on the seas
   and established it on the waters.
 3 Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD?
   Who may stand in his holy place?
4 The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
   who does not trust in an idol    or swear by a false god.[a]
 5 They will receive blessing from the LORD
   and vindication from God their Savior.
6 Such is the generation of those who seek him,
   who seek your face, God of Jacob.
 7 Lift up your heads, you gates;
   be lifted up, you ancient doors,
   that the King of glory may come in.
8 Who is this King of glory?
   The LORD strong and mighty,
   the LORD mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, you gates;
   lift them up, you ancient doors,
   that the King of glory may come in.
10 Who is he, this King of glory?
   The LORD Almighty—
   he is the King of glory.


Never just for me......

Good morning.
Greetings to you! Blessings in the most glorious and wonderful name of our gracious and full of love and peace Lord, Master, Saviour and hopefully our Best Friend in all the world...(I know He desires to be)...Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus our Messiah, the Anointed one!

This year of 2011 has already proven to be a challenging one for many people I know. I will include myself in that statement.

Okay fine, I give up. I am sitting here and I can’t think of any eloquent words to put to my feelings.

None the less my feelings are here and unrelenting. Seems I must pound away at this key board to try and give vent to them or something as my heart feels as though it is about to explode out of my chest if I don’t do something. So I will type away....

It has been so long since I have felt this way. Or perhaps I have never felt this way before. Come to think about it, I don’t believe I ever have felt quite like this. How could I? I have never been here before….in my life. Not at this exact spot. I could never have experienced these exact, what I will call divine encounters, before.
Sure I have been in situations very similar to where I am now. For the sake of visualization purposes, one might say I have come up against a similar looking mountain in my life. However I am quite certain I have never been to the  foot of this mountain before. The dessert I have just crossed over to get to base of this giant, was also a first timer for me. Oh I have been in the dessert before. Just not that one....it too was different
No, this a new mountain I am facing. Filled with a whole set of new challenges....but I am not alone. I have the Master with me. By my side...guiding me every step of the way. I have learned to hear His voice and to head His every direction.

I have been in a state of prayer and fasting for three days now. ..Not just for me, nut for many others in the body of Christ.
Just in this last week, I have had a  handful of close personal friends need serious intercession for serious satanic attack. These are people who love the Lord with their entire lives....give everything to work of the Lord without hesitation. The enemy knows his time is running short!! He is doing what ever he can and using who ever will let him to accomplish his tasks, including any willing children of God, this is serious stuff people! We need to watch and pray!

Honestly, there always seems to be another reason, other than simple self gratification, for my postings.

Someone else out there is going through a similar situations; struggling with overwhelming disappointment or perhaps not understanding why the Lord has not intervened on their behalf. 

Maybe just exhausted from the trials or feeling as though the work load for the kingdom is way too much to bear.

Well, I don’t have the answer, specific to your situation, but I would like to share the following with you and hope it speaks to you.

Also remember ~ we are never alone!

"My Grace is sufficient my Dear."

My sweet child, I want you to know, I understand it's not easy to let go.
To open up and trust again; to let the hurt take it's mend.
I judge you not. I see your heart. From you my Spirit will not depart.
I know where you came from; the dust of the earth. I know, I am your self worth.
In your faithfulness, Heavenly Daddy delights. Seeing how you long to please him with all of your might.
All the while missing the voice you so long to hear, saying ever so sweetly,
"My Grace is sufficient my Dear."

"My Grace is sufficient for thee. My strength is made perfect in your weakness you see.
So rise up child. Take hold of my hand. Trust in my grip. I will see that you stand.
Open your heart to the body of Christ, for together, not separately, you will be my bride.
Know that I am always watching ore thee; that my love for you lasts for eternity.
Take the time to listen so you will hear, when I say ever so sweetly,
"My Grace is sufficient my Dear."

I love you.



Sing like no one is watching...or like everyone IS!!!!

Sometimes you just have to laugh!

This should do the trick!!!

Enjoy watching this adorable video!!!


Why would someone prefer to live in a prison?
When they could be set free?
Why would someone rather choose torment?
When they have tasted of love and its security?

Tell me how can a person who has walked with God
Seen His mighty hand;
Tasted of his goodness, received His grace;
Been blessed beyond measure, still then, walk away from it all and say,

"I know it's wrong, but I choose to turn away from the voice
I hear deep inside my heart.
Calling out to me, telling me,
"Come, walk by my side,”
“And receive a fresh new start.”


Is it true, fear can be so disabling?
Jezebel’s deception, can be so strong?
That perhaps, they don’t even know they’re living,
In a prison, or that anything in life, is wrong?

Oh dear precious mighty Lord, please have mercy and set these captives free.
Those that are willfully choosing to believe it is better for them to feel in control than humbly bowing to you and being set free..
And the word is truly feeling in control, as truly in control they are not. For the spirit of Jezebel has worked her wiles and has surely deceived them into thinking they are in control when actually she is now in full control.
These people live in a world of deception; controlled by the stronghold of control herself, Jezebel. For now imprisoned behind bars locked and having a steady stream of lies from the enemy coursing their mind to remind them only of  everything that is not true in God's mind and heart and Word. Isolated away from all who truly love them. Their spirits and souls naked and not covered in the armor of God ready for the attacks of the enemy.


Perhaps I will never know the answer to this question.
However I can pray and cover those I love who are struggling in this are. Please know I am and will continue to do so.

Lord Jesus, Deliver-Set Free! 
Love them; draw them back with your loving kindness!!
Please God! NOTHING is impossible FOR YOU!

SMASH the ENEMY beneath your feet!

Open the eyes of the oppressed to SEE the truth!!!

That freedom is only found IN surrendering….. to you!
That YOU LOVE US! And you DIED FOR US to SET US FREE and that all you ask is for us to GIVE ourselves back to you….and….that.is LIFE…..PLEASE SET the captive free!
Break the generational curse.
In your mighty, all powerful, glorious, Holy Name, LORD Yeshua!
Thank you!!!!
I love you Lord.. I love you!!!!