
Is more like a smolder these days.....

 It's 2011
Already so very many changes have taken place in my life!
and I am NOT liking them!
What can I say? I am not a happy camper....I have never been one for change.
Even when I was the instigator. 
BUT, what can you do? Life is what it is. As much as we like to think we can control the timing of and how things turn out in our lives but  we can't.
Oh we can "set goals".....but the truth of the matter is....ultimately, we only have as much control over lives as the Heavenly Father sees fit to give us and we will only live here on this earth long enough to carry those goals out 
 as long as he has deemed for us to. 

So, here I sit in an entirely different  place than I was last year about this time. Last year same time I was in a comfortable place in my life. I had wonderful church family, close friends, family life was good, work was ok....Now my life is not so comfortable; everything has changed. I feel like an orphan. I don't have a church family,  my father died pretty suddenly last summer, apparently I am going to be a grandma sometime very soon....but I never hear from my grown children any more, my best friend in this world is permanently moving away and work has become a major source of angina for me with it's ever changing expectations and goals.

Well....sorry for all the MAJOR "Woe is ME!"....but there IS a an end to all of this. I truly do trust in the Lord through and in all of this.  

I can't possibly be the only one who feels this way. Even if there is only one other person out there who struggles with change and with the thought of, "Why?"...."Why is all tis happening to me when I have be faithful and obedient to you Lord?"

Guess what? Just because it may seem as though things aren't going right doesn't mean  you are doing something wrong!
That is right!
Just take a look inside the Word of the Lord! There are so many examples of Men of God (and women) who were obedient to the voice of the Lord and were lead into the desert or into AN UNKNOWN LAND.
Such as Abram.
God called Abram to leave his comfortable place, his family...everything, and go to a place that was unknown to him.
Abram is just one of so many. Ruth and Naomi, Moses, David,  and Joseph and Mary, Apostle Paul...so many others.

The key here is obedience.

I may not "like" the change. That is just my human nature, which BTW I am working on changing day by day!....But I am embracing the change because I know deep down inside that it is God ordained! I know the Lord goes before me. I have a peace deep down inside my soul that supersedes my dislike and so I keep a steady pace and I don't give up but keep on keepin' on as I set my eye on the prize set before me! Life eternal with my Lord!

As for all the temporal  things? They shall have their time....as it is ordained by the Almighty....and I trust and I am learning every day to trust more and more in HIM, my savior, that He knows what is best for me!
His timing.....NOT mine!

God’s Time

It’s hard sometimes to understand, God’s great, all knowing and mighty hand.

We see our world in limited view, knowing our need; at least we think we do.

We do our best to live obediently, without complaint, expediently.

Not comparing ourselves to one another, not being jealous of sister or brother.

Somehow, some way, hard as we try, we just can’t help but wonder why;

God seems to have overlooked our need, and still has neglected to water our seed.

As hard as it is to understand, God’s great, all knowing and mighty hand.

Let us remember his motive is pure love, he looks over us all, from his throne above.

His vision encompasses our entire life, from beginning to end, every joy; every strife.

He knows the plans he has for us, they are good not evil, in this we must trust.

Knowing down deep within our hearts, through all the tears and false starts;

God’s Word is ever and always true; HE will always see his promises through.

If we fully delight ourselves in Him, not just in part, he will give us the desires of our heart.

Amy Colleen