
Sing like no one is watching...or like everyone IS!!!!

Sometimes you just have to laugh!

This should do the trick!!!

Enjoy watching this adorable video!!!


Why would someone prefer to live in a prison?
When they could be set free?
Why would someone rather choose torment?
When they have tasted of love and its security?

Tell me how can a person who has walked with God
Seen His mighty hand;
Tasted of his goodness, received His grace;
Been blessed beyond measure, still then, walk away from it all and say,

"I know it's wrong, but I choose to turn away from the voice
I hear deep inside my heart.
Calling out to me, telling me,
"Come, walk by my side,”
“And receive a fresh new start.”


Is it true, fear can be so disabling?
Jezebel’s deception, can be so strong?
That perhaps, they don’t even know they’re living,
In a prison, or that anything in life, is wrong?

Oh dear precious mighty Lord, please have mercy and set these captives free.
Those that are willfully choosing to believe it is better for them to feel in control than humbly bowing to you and being set free..
And the word is truly feeling in control, as truly in control they are not. For the spirit of Jezebel has worked her wiles and has surely deceived them into thinking they are in control when actually she is now in full control.
These people live in a world of deception; controlled by the stronghold of control herself, Jezebel. For now imprisoned behind bars locked and having a steady stream of lies from the enemy coursing their mind to remind them only of  everything that is not true in God's mind and heart and Word. Isolated away from all who truly love them. Their spirits and souls naked and not covered in the armor of God ready for the attacks of the enemy.


Perhaps I will never know the answer to this question.
However I can pray and cover those I love who are struggling in this are. Please know I am and will continue to do so.

Lord Jesus, Deliver-Set Free! 
Love them; draw them back with your loving kindness!!
Please God! NOTHING is impossible FOR YOU!

SMASH the ENEMY beneath your feet!

Open the eyes of the oppressed to SEE the truth!!!

That freedom is only found IN surrendering….. to you!
That YOU LOVE US! And you DIED FOR US to SET US FREE and that all you ask is for us to GIVE ourselves back to you….and….that.is LIFE…..PLEASE SET the captive free!
Break the generational curse.
In your mighty, all powerful, glorious, Holy Name, LORD Yeshua!
Thank you!!!!
I love you Lord.. I love you!!!!