
Storm Warning....How many will it take?

I dreampt I was in my home during a GREAT STORM
This storm came suddenly.No one; the people of the town, the church, nor myself, were expecting this storm.
It was as if it woke us up in the middle of the night and wrecked havoc throughout the area.

By morning you see the wide spread but very specific damage. My house was untouched. 

The house next door to mine, belonging to "my family", (although I do not believe it was my blood family. I am inclined to believe it was my family the the Lord...the Body of Christ; the church)

That house, though from the outside looked fine, as though it had not been damaged by the storm. Inside it was totaled. Water and wind damage, both. It was so bad off that those who lived there were told they should no longer do so, for safety sake.

Shortly after I had the first dream after waking and then falling asleep I had another dream.

I was in my home. It was a trailer that was attached, permanently attached, to the sanctuary of a HUGE cathedral.
My two daughters and I were sitting talking amongst ourselves and we felt and we felt a "pre" tremble. (a small earthquake)...and then another one. We felt several very small trembles. We all looked at each other and said about the same time,
"What IS this?"
Then the earth began to ....ShAkE........I said, "It's an earthquake. Come close."
My one daughter came to my side and my other daughter ran towards the church grounds with tears and concerns in her voice she said,
"What about our brothers? They need to be safe too!"

I went to her and touched her arm. I thought for a second,
"Maybe she's right, "Maybe it's safer in the big cathedral than in the small trailer."

Then I saw a man walking walking towards us, from the cathedral, he just gently shook his head and I knew we needed to stay put.

It was Jesus, and it was His peace I felt. More was coming we knew we needed to stay close to each other and to Jesus.