
Feed my cute little fish!!!

  Watch them as they follow your mouse hoping you will feed them by clicking the surface of the water.

So Cute!!


Public Statement

The sunshine in my life!

Just wanted to make a public statement of my love for my kids.

I hear day in and day out (which is really pretty sad if you think about it) 
how disappointed parents are with their children.
 I understand that as humans we can all do things that do not live up to the expectations placed on us by others. 
We all do that. 
Every one of us.
Children, parents alike.
It is so disheartening to me to see and hear such disappointment in families,
 where there should be love, forgiveness, encouragement and long suffering. 

I am by no means saying I am a perfect person or parent.
But I do love my children. I love them unconditionally without wavering. 

Anyone who knows me will tell you that is true.
Throughout every storm in our lives. 
Past, present (some still raging) and whatever is ahead.
I will always love each one.
I will never speak ill of them.

Something else that breaks my heart these days.
WHY do so many parents find it necessary to trash their children in public?
(Hypothetical question. I know the answer)

Well - I just wanted to take a moment and tell the world 
(as I know my kiddos don't usually read this) 
However if by chance one of them should...BONUS!

I love my kids! 
Through everything - I love you -always have and always will!

Joshua & Myra

Jeremy, Maria & kiddos
Jacob, Sabrina and kiddos
Lauren & Jared
Kelly, Tim and kiddos

YOU are MY Blessings from the Lord himself.
I am so blessed!

Love,  Mumsey


Time for a Family Reunion

Sometimes Memories Just Aren't Enough 

Here I am sitting in my chair


Sooo many things…..my mind going soooo many places….out of order the memories flashing through my mind…… they keep coming. The more I remember, the more I remember.

I remember when Jacob and Sabrina, Jeremy and Maria all came up for the holidays.

What a HOUSE FULL!!!.........Oh but sooooo W O N D E R F U L and soooo fulfilling!!!! 
Warm & Fuzzy kinda memory making stuff!!!


I remember when ~Joshua, Jeremy and Maria came up for the summer...”WOW”…

NOW - that was a funtabuloustime!! 

KINGS ISLAND and the Attack of the Klapp Klan & Taylor Tribe [heehee] I actually rode the new rides!!!! YIKES!!!!


[I glance around the corner to the "picture wall" and get a glimpse of all the years by gone by}

*tear  runs down my cheek*

I remember one by one - Joshua's High School Graduation,  Jeremy’s BLUE hair!!! [What a trip!] 

Oh MY!! -Then there’s D I S N E Y W O R L D …what a fun time!!!

 Driving ALL the way down to Sarasota in the little Hyundai with all four of us - Dan, Me, Lauren and Kelly! And all our luggage  :O)
[My tuschy still smarts!] 
Oh but I got some of the BEST family pictures ever, outta that trip!!! 
Oh what fun!


I see that adorable face….that oh so goofy, but adorable, JACOB face…not just once or twice but several places on my picture wall!!! [he can’t just smile in front of a camera]..I will never forget the very short two years Jacob spent with Dan, me and his sisters, full time…The time he spent with the MAG youth group….Those were some  good times. :O)

I remember Lauren and Kelly begging to stay “with Jacob” and be a part of the “rockin’ youth group” and NOW they ARE all grown up. Kelly is leading the youth group. Youth Group!

~Wow~ then as I look over towards the coffee table.~

The first  few photos I see are of Jeremy and I at the Zoo. Joe Photographer… :O)…Just the two of us…I will always remember that day….and then a picture of Crew Tower  in downtown Cincinnati as well. ......*sigh*......We took LOTS of pictures...[he is still the official family photographer.] I will never forget that day.

~And then~

Oh my! The  5 1/2 hour ride to Indiana that  should have only taken 2 hours! haha!!
Yep, something else I'll never forget, getting lost in Indiana with Joshua, Lauren, Kelly and Dan in the pouring down rain, so hard you could barley see 10 feet in front of you We were on our way to Uncle Jim’s “surprise” 50th” Birthday party…that turned out NOT to be a surprise.
It took us 5 ½ hrs to drive what should have taken 2 hours; this could have been avoided had we known it was NOT surprise!!!!!

~then I see on the photo wall~

 The “Marx Bros” Jeremy and Jacob from Brandon’s wedding….[on my photo wall]too cute!
~Ohhhhhhh I remember~

I remember…..Shabbat dinner at the Ramsey's.  when Dan and I went to Florida for Jeremy and Joshua’s Graduation. :O) …The yummy food and wonderful company and playing games…. I remember all the GAZZION frogs at their house! [eeewwwweeeeeee....yukkko!]


I remember flying to California with Lauren and Kelly…visiting all their Aunt’s and Uncles and Grampa….walking along the beach and finding shells…packing them ever so carefully to bring them home only to forget them.

~My goodness~

There are sooo many memories in these pictures on my walls! On my tables! All over my house!

It is simply amazing!
They all bring such *joy*
To my soul when I think on them!

I have pictures for each of my five children from the time they were born through now  - riddled throughout my home like colorful wall paper .
Each photo  bringing back memories from warm, fun, loving, joyous times.

I remember holding each and every one of my five beautiful children in my arms for the very first time
Only moments after their arrival into this world.
I remember welcoming them into this world and kissing them on their cute little heads.

I remember praying for them, each one, before they ever came into this world.

Loving them, singing to them, praying for God’s divine purpose to be fulfilled in their lives.

Now, they are all grown up.  
Families of their own - well 3 out of 5 of them so far. *sigh*

~~p a u s e ~~

 there comes a time
 - though - 
when pictures  

on a wall 

 just isn't enough.

*sigh* [again]

Soooo, here I sit.
 Realizing that they, my children,  are all grown up.

All I have left

, for the most part, 

are my memories.

I have come to the conclusion that


 memories sometimes just aren't 


I seriously think it's time for some more family time!

I mean seriously - It's been WAY too long!

There's grand-babies being born!

Time to  get together again

 after all


 Memories just aren't enough.


We Won! We Won!

I was upstairs on my phone talking to my Father. Suddenly the tornado sirens went off.
I immediately headed downstairs to where my husband was. As soon as I reached him the sirens stopped. He and I looked at each other. I asked him, “Did you hear that?” he nodded yes. “Where’d they go? Why’d they stop?” I still had my phone in my hands. My husband just nodded his head. I stood there for a few moments waiting for them to come back on. They never did.

The next night I had a dream about a King and candles.

There was great celebration and candles lined the streets. 

Everyone was celebrating 
the New King!

There were candles everywhere! Some were tall and others were short.  Many of the candles were grouped together. The ones that were grouped together, for no reason that I could see, began to just go out. I was able to get a closer look and see that they had melted together. They were no longer any good for giving light. What I did notice was that the candles that were grouped together were dirty and at some point gotten so close and so hot that they became one large candle and melted all together, basically rendering each one useless.  The worst thing of allas the lights went out – the city became darker and darker.  The atmosphere began to change.  I began to feel uncomfortable. I heard the words civil unrest
Then I woke up.

I asked the Lord what the deal was. Immediately I was reminded of the people of Israel.  1Samuel 8
Where Israel demanded that Samuel (God) give them a king.
Truthfully, I believe in my first dream the Lord is saying that (for a season) by the prayers of His children the storms of judgment have been put off.  In the second dream I saw the new PRESIDENT, at first being celebrated. Then as the believers  (and non-believers) who placed their hope in the newly elected President become more and  more disillusioned with their choice and his leadership, their lights (candles) start to go out and that is when the city becomes dark and civil unrest sets in.

*************   ****************     ******************


Your Smile :)


Just a Smile

  One more time your smile sees me through.
             It's always there to chase away my blues.
              Just a quick reflex, yet so in tune,
 So lit up with love, such a part of you.

Just a smile that means so very much,
Speaks to my heart with such a gentle touch.
Do you realize the love that flows,
When you loan me your smile, just for the shortest while?

One more time your smile sees me through.
 It's always there to chase away my blues.
What a friend to know,
Worth more than gold,
Your smile so dear,

Your love made clear.

Once again, I know I'll see you,
And I hope you'll smile for me.
  'Cause your smile is so special,
It makes my very heart happy, happy, so, happy.

Smile for me

All work  on this page is copyrighted ©2004 by Amy Colleen. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized use or reproductions are prohibited.


Do YOU feel loved?

It seems that lately - I have had some days.
I have good days and  
lets just say days that are harder than other days.
It is no secret to anyone who has read my blog that this has been a very hard year for me. With my very serious health issues and my extreme relational issues. There were days I wondered if I was going to make it until tomorrow.
I did.
God had/has plans for me.
Thankfully - my precious Lord, my precious friend, master, Holy Heavenly Father, did not let me just hurt. He did not leave me alone to hurt. He met me where I was. He comforted me and reminded me how precious I am to Him.
How very much He loves me.
You know - the Lord feels the same way about YOU.
I have lived through so much in my life and I can honestly say I would NOT be alive today if it were not for my personal relationship with Jesus and His ongoing grace and mercies.
Please KNOW that God is no respecter of persons
 (Romans 2:11)
Also The Word of God tells us that He is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
(Psalm 34:18)

************     ****************    ********************

I can hold my head up high - With my Lord by my side.
I can whistle a happy tune -While I gaze at the moon.
I can sing a new song - after weeping all night long.
When I know I am loved. When I know I am loved

I can keep on keeping on -doing more than muddling through..
I can flip every strife - into a  happiness in my life.
I can keep the faith - I can stand my ground.
When I know I am love. When I know I am loved.

I can hold on until tomorrow - against all odds.
I can see the joy in the every sorrow.
I can forgive every painful word and deed.
When I know I am loved. When I know I am loved.

As surely as the sun will rise in the east  and set in the west.
I know each and every need of mine is already met.
In this I take comfort and press on to higher ground.
When I know I am loved. When I know I am loved.

So He calls me to higher ground.
I hear Him beckoning me to higher ground.
Glory and peace and love surrounding me.
So He calls me and I hear Him beckoning.
I will follow Him to higher ground.

All my life has been purposed for such a time as this.
Every moment placed together - like a holy puzzle for His glory
Not by my doing, but by His grace.
Every moment has it's place.
Divine encounters. Holy meetings. 
Mountains experiences  and valley lows.
Battles raging and victories won.
All for one purpose - to glorify the SON.
All for one purpose - to glorify the SON.

So I stand in Holy awe.
Wonder how and when I will see.
The throne from where the God's river flows
That washes over me....that washes over me.
He bids me come up higher....I hear Him calling me.
Come to Higher ground....my precious Amy Colleen.
I hear Him calling me.

I hear Him calling me.


Bottom line

God is so good. 
I can not even begin to describe 
all that is going on in my life right now.

When I take a moment to think back even just a couple of months ago. I find it incredible that I am where I am right now considering where I was then. It's literally like night and day.
So much so that I am having a hard time finding words to adequately describe this amazing transformation. 
*I know, hard to believe. Me, at a loss for words. lol - but it does happen upon occasion. 

True enough, I am stunned speechless by this supernatural transformation. Leaving me unable to express my wonderment adequately to anyone by way of words. However,  oddly enough I am able to pin point the time and circumstance that triggered this wonderful shower of God blessings, to explode over my life.

It has been just that. God Blessings.

It's amazing what blessings await us when we let go of  the burdens we carry.

That is exactly what happened for me.

I had been carrying burdens for so long. The same ones. I would carry them to the cross - lay them down at the foot of the cross - weep and pray - then not realizing it, I would pick them back up, sling them back over my shoulder and walk back to my daily life with those same burdens. 
I was doing this for years.

Giving my burdens to the Lord. Just certain ones. Then I would take them back.

It wasn't until, out of his love for me, the Lord took them from me, that I actually felt the release of the burden. Honestly, at first it was very, very hard. Having the Lord take the burden from me. It had become a part of me. Soon I felt the freedom. Soon after the tears dried up I was able to see the Lord and I was able to see promises He had made to me. I was able to sense His peace. It was almost instantly after I the tears dried up....everything began to change. That's when I realized...To In order to embrace what the Lord had for my future I needed to let go of the past....I needed to TRUST HIM COMPLETELY....So I did.

Everything changed.

Honestly - I haven't had so much Shalom peace since I don't know when.
My heart is so filled with *JoY* - I am so excited!
My life circumstances are not much different than they were before - but I see things all together differently....and without a given thought 

Some days, though, I don't understand why.
I am human and that goes with the territory
Still, things will work out. 

Bottom line-

I am Amy Colleen. 
I have a best friend who happens to be GOD.
How cool is THAT?