
Whose controlling you?

Is sitting here thinking - On the 4th of July - how sad it is that everything has become so *GREY* in our beautiful country.

Truth be told - It is STILL - every bit VERY *black and white* (I am NOT talking race here either)

I am talking about WHO you serve - WHO you LIVE FOR - in life.
What is RIGHT - What is WRONG.

The reason it has become a "grey matter" is because satan, the prince of this world, the father of lies, has been successful,  (through doors WE have opened through SIN...of ALL kinds) in deceiving us into thinking we are serving God ("G") when we are serving other god's ("g").... by compromising and fulfilling the lusts of our own fleshly desires.
I am not necessarily talking about sins that I am sure are popping into the readers minds right now. You  know - the "other guys sins"...?

I am actually talking about our everyday mindset.

Yes. You heard me right.
Everyday mindset.

This can be a sin. The way we think. 
Worse yet, how we think can cause us to fall away from the Lord and lead others to stumble and fall as well.

After all, isn’t that what happened in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve?
It was all lies and deception. Twisting of truth. Getting God’s most precious creations to “doubt” their self worth...doubt God's love for them….that was all that needed to happen and “Wham!” they walked right into sin.

To this day our enemy satan works over time doing his best to convince everyone  that either-
A:  There was never a garden of Eden and the fall never took place - or
B: That he (satan) was justified in his actions because God was trying to control them and he (satan) was just enlightening them.
*(just for the record both A&B are incorrect)

Jesus (God) himself says that “If you are not with me you are against me….” (Matthew 12:30) also Jesus says, “No one can serve two masters he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to one and espies the other”
The Apostle Paul writes extensively in his letter to the Romans (chapter 6) about slavery. Being a slave to sin verses a slave to righteousness. You can only go one way or another. You cannot serve sin and God.
Also John speaks of this in his letters as well. In fact I couldn’t possibly cover every scripture in this blog post that touches on this subject.

I realize I am rambling on so I will cut it short and say what I started out to say

As this election year is coming to a close. (Yeah - Scary I know! Only four more months to go!)

It is so important to keep in mind that - THERE IS NO MIDDLE OF THE GROUND.
That is just one of those lies of the enemy. Yes even in the political arena.

I saw a post today from a shoot of the Occupy Wall Street group it went on and on about how they “aren’t against capitalism, or corporations, or banks, or investment markets, or democracy or the rich…..” then the post went on to say they were just opposed to all of the aforementioned (I will say) having the “freedom” to go about using what they have the way they wish to use it in a free America. (paraphrased) 

Now to be fair I tried to find the exact copy but couldn't....I finally found a picture of one....posted below.

My point in sharing it with you?

Quite obvious I believe to a great many of my older audience I believe *wink*  and (sadly) not so obvious to the younger -
This statement (posted below) seems to be "swallowing up" our society as something that is actually an attainable way of political and social living.

This is scary to me.
Because that is absolutely a LIE FROM SATAN himself!

The post is a complete contradiction in and of itself. 
There is no way to say you are not against "capitalism, or corporations, or banks, or investment markets, or democracy or the rich.." and at the very same time say - we are just against them having the right to govern themselves.

I hate greed as much or more than the next guy. But I despise CONTROL even more!
I will live free or die!
Beware - this year as you vote!

You can not vote control in over the big corporations
EVERYONE ELSE (this means YOU!)

"Freedom - a state of mind"

What are YOUR thoughts on this ?
The Apostle Paul was in prison as an adult more than not.
Still he was someone who lived in total freedom.

I would love to hear your thoughts.