

I was just sitting here this morning. Just me and my Lord. I still have not been released back to work, so I have a bit more time to sit ....just sit.... in the presence of  God. Awesome.

As I was sitting here. I got to thinking, as I do so much of the time after sessions of prayer and time in the Word of God.

This time I got to thinking about choices.

The different choices we make in our life.  More pointedly, why we make the choices we make. As well as what motivates us to make those choices.

As human beings we like to take credit when we make good choices. It's the natural thing to do.
On the flip side we like to dispel responsibility for the not so good choices we make. (at the very least we make excuses as to why we did what we did, trying to lesson the  chastening of God)  Also the natural thing to do. As if the God of the universe doesn't already know what is in our hearts. 

However, as I stated a few times it is only natural for us as human beings to act this way.

1) To take credit for the good choices we make and all of the good things that may come from the good choices we make.

2) To dispel responsibility for making bad choices that detrimentally affect people's lives that have been touched by the choices that was make.

Be this as it may, I would like to put this aside for just a moment. I will come back to it.

I would like to ask the reader a question.

"Why do you make your choices?"

This is not a trick question and I would love some real answers. However it may take some real thinking first.

"What motivates you to make your choices in life?"

Again, I know why I choose to make my decisions. 
Now I do. 
I know what motivates me. 
I haven't always.

"What is the one thing that you look for when needing to know for sure before you make a huge life choice? 
A confirmation. 
What is that confirmation for you?

I have to say again, I have not always been at this place in my life. I have only recently arrived. Through much tribulation. Many trials. Many valleys and treks up the mountainous terrain with only the small still voice of Holy Spirit to guide me. Not so much as a loved one any where around to catch me if I were to fall.

I have learned to hold on tightly to the Living Word of God.

I have also learned that those that go before us in life have much wisdom to share and that even one word or sentence they breath  may be sent from Holy Spirit. That we should never discard the words of the brethren.


I have many, many nuggets of truth tucked away in my heart. Words that have shaped the way I live and love. Following are just three that shape my every day living.

1) My former father in law (who I actually never met. He went home to be with the Lord before I was able to meet him.) Through his son, shared this truth with me. I live my life by it. Every decision I make I think about this word of wisdom.
I would call this nugget of wisdom, my confirmation.
 "What ever you need. Pray. If  you do not have peace. Keep praying. Do not do anything until you have the peace of God."

2) This nugget comes from my mother, "Count your blessings. Not your worries. Share all you have. You always have enough to share. It all belongs to God anyway."

3) This nugget is from a very dear friend and mentor of mine, Anne Taylor,  "Remember the Shepherd does not drive His sheep. He gently guides His sheep along still waters. It is the butcher (satan) that drives the sheep to slaughter." 

These three sayings have guided me the most in my life. They have stuck out above all of the others.

The first speaks to me about the peace of God being a measuring stick. This is actually scriptural.

The second one speaks to me about provision. Even in the the leanest of times. Also scriptural.

The third one reminds me about the character of the Shepherd (Jesus) so I don't let myself get caught up in stuff. Even church stuff. Leaving myself exhausted and with no time or strength to spend at the feet of Jesus.

So all that being said I am sure you are wondering how I am gonna connect it to my blog topic "choices", right?

Well, I have lived just shy of 51 years on this planet. I have made a lot of choices. Some good, some not so good and some really bad ones. I have, many times, looked back on my life and the decisions I have made. Each time I come away with a different set of "feelings".
This time is no different in that I have come away with new feelings, however I have also gained new insight on the matter!
Thus the questions to you!

You see, what I have discovered is that, all my life I have been making decisions based on something or someone else.

 A very good portion of my bad decisions were made out of fear.
I have never publicly admitted to this. However it is true. Fear was my biggest enemy.
I was afraid of not having friends when I was a child - so I did things I shouldn't have.
I was afraid he wouldn't forgive me so I never told him the truth.
I was afraid of loosing my kids forever so I believed he told me the truth. I lost my children.
I was afraid to tell anyone the truth about my new situation at home. It ended up making things worse.
I was afraid to speak up when I could. Now they are gone forever.

These are only a few of the decisions I made in a life time of decisions.

It has taken me 51 years, 36 walking with the Lord. To get to a point that I realize God has given me a FREE WILL to make decisions for myself, and God will judge me according to all I have done.

I know why I make my choices.
Because I am able to.

I know what motivates me in my decision making.
God's Heart.

I know what that one thing is that I look for when needing to know for sure before I make a huge life choice. I know what that confirmation is for me. The peace of God that passes all understanding and guards our heart and mind.

So - what about YOU?

"Why do you make your choices?" 

"What motivates you to make you choices in life?" 

"What is the one thing that you look for when needing to know for sure before you make a huge life choice? 
What is that confirmation for you? 

*I said I would get back to the fact that it is only natural for us to take credit for the good decisions we make and try to dispel responsibility for the not so good choices we make.

Human nature is inherently evil - as we can read n the book of Romans.
However,there is hope! As Paul discloses as well in the letter to the Romans! With the help of Holy Spirit and the Amazing Grace of God all things are possible!

As along as we are are willing to be obedient  
  Oh how glorious and rich is the Love of God towards us!!

If I had ONE piece of advice - ONE word of wisdom 
If there was ONE thing I could share that I had learned through all my decision fiascos
It would be - with out a doubt
Never - ever - do anything - without the
 Perfect  Peace of God
If you have Doubt - Don't Do It