
A word from Heidi Baker 2/18/13

I have had two distinct dreams about having babies.
I have always believed that the babies were prophetic and spoke of ministries.
Ii just saw this awesome word that Heidi Baker shared not too long ago and  it was very encouraging to me 
so I decided to share it with you as well.
May it bless and encourage you too!

Please let me know if you have had any dreams! Post in the comments section OR you can Email me if you would like me to post a word for you on here that you feel would bless others!

Dream #1
September 15, 1999

I dreamt I had a baby girl.  
Within one day she learned to roll over, sit up, eat solid food and speak clearly
.She ate a ripe piece of fruit, an orange. I thought she would was going to choke trying to eat at such an early stage in life, but she looked right at me and said,
"Yes Mommy...I ate the orange!"
I had this dream a long time ago - but have never forgotten about it.

In fact I had another dream as well.

Dream #2 
May 23, 2005

In this dream, Dan and I were at home. We were expecting a baby. I was not physically pregnant, but we were anxiously awaiting a delivery none the less. A knock came on the door and Dan opened the door. There was an Angel with a baby in his arms. He handed the baby to DanDan walked towards me and I turned my attention immediately away from the Angel to the new little baby, who was all full of smiles and joy; but only for a second as just as soon as the door had shut there was another knock at the door. I went to open the door and found another messenger with yet another baby in his arms
Without saying a word I took the child into my arms; shut the door and walked over to Dan who was holding the our first baby. The second baby that had been delivered, was sound asleep. I was a little surprised and a tad caught off guard. As if I wasn't expecting the second baby. I remember saying to DanWhat are we going to do with two babies? We were only expecting one?
At that - Dan sat the first baby down on top of the counter and took the sleeping baby from my arms. 
He headed for the beautifully dressed crib we had previously set up for the baby we were expecting. 
He laid the baby down to sleep. Turned to me and said, 
We will make room, you’ll see. Have I ever failed to provide?"

Meantime, the first baby was sitting up on the counter top.
I panicked and said to Dan
Dan you can’t just put the baby on the counter unsupervised  she could fall off and get hurt.” 
 I reached over and  took her in my arms. She was laughing and smiling. She was so beautiful. Dan and I just kept looking at her and saying how beautiful she was. We were chuckling and playing with her. 
The other baby lay peacefully sleeping in the crib.
Dan  made a humble, no-frills, second crib for the first baby. 
The one we were expecting -  whom we were holding and playing with and enjoying.

The last thing I remember in my dream before waking was thinking to myself,
 “What am I going to do when they both wake up in the middle of the night
 and need to be fed at the same time?” 


Things aren't always as they seem

Today's Blog Post

Inspired by the actions of someone who has no idea they have inspired me.
In fact chances are they never will.
Still, I wanted to take a few moments out of my day to pay tribute to them.
Their actions, small as they may be, have literally touched my heart and I dare say  God's too.
  "Thank you  for being the person you are"
For taking a stand.
For not judging the content of a book by the reviews of  others.
Thank you for understanding this truth
Things aren't always as they seem."

Here for your viewing pleasure 

Real life or not! YOU decide!
After all - things aren't always as they seem!

Try this one on for starters!!
A ghost boat!

 I dream of Jeannie? Is she really hoovering? lol
YOU decide!! Let me know what you think!
 Ahhh! I think someone got ahold of  Martin Shorts 
Shrink ray! 
 Wow....totally cool! That is WATER!

Or - IS it?
 Dude - Now THAT would hurt to swallow.
 Real? or No.
What are your thoughts?
 First glance - thoughts
I had to take a second and third look at this one. 

Hmmmm...Making a point. 
 Natural wonder

HOW do they DO THIS?  
One of my favorites


Mirror Mirror on the Wall

So there comes  a time in ones life when you pass a mirror and find yourself stopping. Turning around and going back to the mirror. Looking in the mirror and realizing your life is genuinely more than half way over.

Yes. You heard me right. I said more than half way over. Now don't go blowing up a bunch of black balloons on me or anything. No calling the doc in the white jacket to come tote me away...."I'm not dead yet!"

It's just that I seem to have had this sudden revelation that whether or not the Lord comes to rule and reign while I am still here or He calls me home before then.....I have reached - in fact - I have OVER reached, the normal half way point of a normal healthy adult life expectancy...and well, given that apparently, according to the doctors, my life isn't exactly the Webster definition of a  normal healthy adult life. So yeah...makes me think a bit.

Think about what has been accomplish in my life.

Things I would still like to see accomplished in my life.

As child of God. I find I stand in here in the face of this mirror with a bit of different out look than most.

No bucket list for me. Only a prayer list. One I have had running for years now. Many of the requests have already been answered. Only a few request left on the list to yet be fulfilled. This is what I am thinking about as I stand and see myself in the mirror. These prayer requests.
"Will I be around to see their fulfillment?" I wonder. I do know they will be answered. I know because the desire of my heart was placed there by God himself as I delighted myself in Him. Still, whether I will be here in this realm when these prayers come to fruition?  I can only wait and see.

Life is so delicate. We all think we know so much more than we do. We don't. We really don't.

God is the giver and taker of life.
He alone knows when one is conceived and when each takes their last breath.
The Word of God tells us that it is appointed by God for man once to die and then the judgment...also it says that the death of the righteous is pleasant in the eyes of the Lord (Psalm 116:15)...also the righteous perish and no one ponders it in his heart and devout men are taken away and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from a greater evil.  (Isaiah 57:1)

Well, I don't mean to sound so  somber. Honestly. It's just this mirror and these few un-answered prayer requests. Actually, in reality, I supposed the requests aren't truthfully unanswered as much as have just not manifested yet.

After all the Word of God tells us that if we delight ourselves in Him (God) He (God) will give us the desire of our heart. (Pslam 37) So, this desire in my heart is from the Lord. Tested against the Holy scripture, it proves  without a doubt to be so, as well.  (doing good so far!)....Also in 1 John 5:14-15 it says, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - what ever we ask - we know that we have what we ask of him."

So Yay! I am feeling better already!!!

After all, even if I am not in this world to see the manifestation of the answer to the last few prayers. That is quite alright. I will simply be on the other side of the door.
I just love the 12th verse in 1 Peter 1 ....It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.....

I find this so encouraging. As a people of God we live by faith and not by sight.

Here is the first part of the chapter...simply glorious! be blessed!

I love the way Peter wrote this....in 1 Peter 1:3-12

 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,  and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,  who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.  In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.  Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,  for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
 Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care,  trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow.  It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.



The Door to Narnia

So Yeah - My closet door has been deemed the 
"Door to Narnia".

"Why?" - You ask.

Well simple enough and I would be happy to fill you in on the details.

It's like this.
Every time I step into my closet for any given amount of time. I end up having a huge epiphany. A major revelation. The Lord speaks to me in some incredible way about my life and I always end up in tears. 
I may walk into my closet - but I end up sitting on my little foot stool before too long.
Bunkered down for a nice long session with my best friend and Lord of all the universe.
Ready once again to be blown away by a shower of super natural revelation and blessing.
There have been more occasions than I can count
 Where I have had to completely alter my plans due to my time in "Narnia" with Holy Spirit. 
I will give you an example, just one, of how the Lord speaks to me. 
I will share the most recent one.
I was getting ready for work. I was the only one left in the house. Everyone else had already left for the day. So I was able to be openly vocal in my conversation with the Lord as I was getting ready for work.
I was too. I was praying and worshiping as I got showered and dressed for the day. 
As my prayers moved from one person to the next, so did I move from one room to the next.
 I eventually ended up in my closet. 
I found myself standing  smack dab in the middle of my closet and praying, talking to the Lord about my life. About the people in my life. My family. My kids. All that had transpired over the last few years.

Then, a sudden hush came over me. 
Just. Like. That. 
I was quiet. I sensed the presence of the Lord as I so often do when He and I are alone together.
 It fell upon me. Heavy and precious. Tears began to run down my face. I began to hear His voice. 
So unmistakable. That small - mighty voice. I began to look around the closet I was standing in. Remembering how I had just gone through and cleaned out all my clothes and shoes. Folded and given away so many things. I had given away so many items that I no longer had use for. 

Items of clothes that were out of season. Shoes that I could no longer wear. They were no longer relevant to my style of living.  I had kept only the essentials. With the exception of a few items of clothing from my past. I could not get myself to give them away because I had grown to  love them so. I had paid a  lot for them and I am ever hopeful that one day in the future I would loose enough weight to be able to get them back on.  Truthfully, I knew deep down inside that would never happen. They were just taking up space and precious space at that. 

I sat down on the stool. I knew exactly what the Lord was comparing this to. My life. I needed to let go. 
Let go of my past. 
To make room for my future. 
I have gone to great lengths to clean up my present and have done so much to give my future to the Lord.  But the Lord can only do so much with my future if I am unwilling to let go of my past.
There was so much more. Very personal. I think I have shared enough so you get the picture.

This little space - my walk in closet - has always been a prayer closet. As long as I can remember.
Truly it has proven to be a place of anointing.
As the Lord always meets me there.

I would encourage you, reader, to make a place for yourself, to get alone with God. 
A place where you can "be still and know"...to know HE is God....
It will rock your world....He will change everything.

Below are a couple of short videos of areas in my home where I spend A LOT of time in prayer.

I don't know for sure -  but I think this maybe my guardian.



Happy Valentine's Day to Dano - I love you!

The Night of the Crowds Demise
To my husband with love

I remember it as though it were today.
 The first time I looked in his eyes.
I remember the minute he walked through the door.
I remember the crowd’s demise.

I was sitting in the midst of friends.
Yet feeling all alone.
Not wanting to be where I was.
Not wanting to go home.

Music and laughter,
People prancing about.
A noise level so high,
You couldn’t hear a shout.

That’s when it happened.
He walked through the door.
Instantly he was all there was.
The crowd was no more.

The room was filled with silence.
My heart began to race.
He slowly turned his eyes my way.
Now we were face to face.

I knew within an instant.
As he gazed into my eyes,
Along with me he too would remember,
The night of the crowd’s demise.
A moment to remember,
The beginning of our love,
The night we received each other.
Our precious gift, from God above.


All work  on this page is copyrighted ©2001 by Amy Colleen. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized use or reproductions are prohibited.


I Am The Lord

It is always humbling and refreshing to receive a word from the Lord. However during these troublesome times we are living in these days it seems to be even more refreshing. This is a word I received from the Lord I would like to share with everyone.
Be Blessed.

I would also like to add, that if you are someone who does not "know" personally the Son of God, Jesus. You have not asked Him to come into your life....to be Lord over your life. Please, contact me, if this is something you would like to more about.

Behold, I am the Lord
I Am Truth
I know all
I am the Lord
To whom will you compare me?
I am the holy One. I am the Lord
Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens - who created all that you see?
I did.
I am the Lord

Why do you say in your heart, why do you complain,
 "My way is hidden from the Lord.. My cause is disregarded by God?"

Do you not know? Have you not heard?
I am the Lord. I am the everlasting God. I created the heavens and the earth. I do not grow tired or weary. I increase the power of the weak. Even those of youth grow weary and the young at heart may stumble and fall - but those who place their hope in me, their strength will renewed. They will soar high like an eagle.They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and they will not faint.

Trust in me all you who are weary.
I am the Lord.  I am your help. I am your shield. I am the Lord
I will remember those who fear me and bless them.
I delight in those who trust in me. I take pleasure in calling you my children, my beloved. 

Do not be afraid. Do not fear. Trust in me. Do not doubt my love for you.
I am the Lord

Do not be so quick to forget all my benefits - all I have done for you before now.
Do not limit my power, to the thoughts and possibilities of man.
For my ways are not man's ways and my thoughts are not man's thoughts.
I am the Lord.

I love you with an everlasting love. A love that can not be understood in the natural realm.

You are now and have always been the love of my life. Conceived before the beginning of time as you know it. Out of the love and desire that flows from our heart.
Everything in your life that you give to me I will turn around and use for your good. I always keep my word.
I am the Lord.

Be still and know. 
I will take care of you.
I am the Lord.