
The Mark of the Beast & The Shema

Crazy blog title I know - read on and you will understand.

I had an eye opening revelation on my way to work yesterday as I was singing in my car.
Next week is Rosh Hashanah and I have been practicing the music, getting ready for the High Holy Days. 
 I was signing the Shema....when suddenly I got to the part, 
"And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes..."
I stopped. 
Just stopped singing.
It hit me. BANG!
I have been reading Daniel and the book of Revelation lately and though many of you may already have thought of this. I hadn't before now. 
I just now caught on.

Satan, has chosen the placement of the -"mark of the beast" 
 to be precisely the same place as the Lord commands 
 His people to keep His Words - His covenants! 

Of course the Orthodox Jews do this literally with the Tefillin.
As  Messianic Jewish believers we do this by keeping the laws, as written upon our hearts.

However the point I am seeing - or the huge epiphany, rather, (and again probably just for me, 
but maybe for a few others out there too who knows) 
is the blatant, calculated, spit in the face, disrespect, Satan is going for here. 
It really has me BLOWN away!
I mean I know he has been bent on evil since He was kicked out of G-ds presence and filled with insurmountable pride - but still this is something...I just can't wrap my mind around.
I supposed he will never give up.
Forever Aiming at, the Most Holy of Holies, G-d Almighty, Ruler and Creator of Heaven and Earth.
I am completely blown away at the audacity! 

Read the Shema below in completion and note the highlighted area.
You will see what I mean.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.
Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.
Barukh sheim k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed.
Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.
V'ahav'ta eit Adonai Elohekha b'khol l'vav'kha uv'khol naf'sh'kha uv'khol m'odekha.
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
V'hayu had'varim ha'eileh asher anokhi m'tzav'kha hayom al l'vavekha.
And these words that I command you today shall be in your heart
V'shinan'tam l'vanekha v'dibar'ta bam
And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them
b'shiv't'kha b'veitekha uv'lekh't'kha vaderekh uv'shakh'b'kha uv'kumekha
when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.
Uk'shar'tam l'ot al yadekha v'hayu l'totafot bein einekha.
And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.
Ukh'tav'tam al m'zuzot beitekha uvish'arekha.
And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.


A Night to Remember....

The Night of the Crowds Demise

By: Amy Colleen
Copyright January 2001 all rights reserved

I remember it as though it were today.
 The first time I looked in his eyes.
I remember the minute he walked through the door.
I remember the crowd’s demise.

I was sitting in the midst of friends.
Yet feeling all alone.
Not wanting to be where I was.
Not wanting to go home.

Music and laughter,
People prancing about.
A noise level so high,
You couldn’t hear a shout.

That’s when it happened.
He walked through the door.
Instantly he was all there was.
The crowd was no more.

The room was filled with silence.
My heart began to race.
He slowly turned his eyes my way.
Now we were face to face.

I knew within an instant.
As he gazed into my eyes,
Along with me he too would remember,
The night of the crowd’s demise.

A moment to remember,
The beginning of our love,
The night we received each other.
Our precious gift, from God above.

 To my husband with love

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It's a Heart Isssue


Repentance is the *key* to revival - and -Looking INward and focussing on our own heart - seeking the Face of G-d - desiring HIS kingdom above all - lifting up Yeshua up before all men - ***let us remember*** HE (Yeshua) will draw everyone to himself!.... (John 12:32).   
Loving one another as HE LOVED US. Letting our love for each other (which is something greatly lacking in the world today. *love*) Yeshua said, "...byTHIS (the love we have for one another) they will know you are my mine" (paraphrased)
It is our job to "show G-d's love" to others and it is the job of Ruach HaKodesh to bring conviction.  I truly believe Yeshua was consistent throughout his teaching as well as Paul about such things. Otherwise we risk falling into the same trap as the Pharasees did. 

Let us not forget......"Our bodies are temples for Ruach HaKodesh who lives inside us, whom we received from God. (1 Cor. 6:19)
It is our most holy service duty to make sure we live lives pure and holy - pleasing and acceptable to G-d - worthy of the lives which we have been called to.....Doing everything we can to strive to be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect. So as we seek this we work along side, if I may be so bold, Ruach HaKodesh as he does his work. 

Paul says to make a point to come out from among them and be ye separate. (2 Cor. 6:17) He was not referring to removing ourselves completely from the world altogether - Paul even states just that later in the chapter, saying that would be impossible. Rather going further to make his point that we should should, as followers and believers in Yeshua HaMashiach we should "come out" from among them -"be separate" ----"STAND OUT AMONG THEM" ----- so we can easily be noticed----- not so much because we are better
 but (as Paul explains the behaviors) by the righteous way we live.

So - to "bring what I am writing IN TOGETHER" --- let me close with this---
I believe as we as believers and followers of Yeshua HaMashiach seek repentance both personally and corporately,only THEN will we begin to see the monumental change in our congregations that we so long for ----- know as "revival". 

All through out history --- revival has always been preceded by personal and corporate --- deep, introspective, intimate, sincere, personal repentance. Along with supplication and corporate repentance.

SO AS WE SEEK - Let us rejoice in knowing that G-d does not give the Spirit in limited degree. (John 3:33-34)