
Today - it hit me

So I was sitting here in my chair, just sitting here relaxing after a very long day.
 I was  listening to a video coming from my husbands computer from across the room. 
Maybe not so much listening to it as much as hearing it. 
At any rate, suddenly, it just hit me. 
Like a tornado - -out of nowhere it hit me.

I don't know why or how or what it was specifically that made me have this incredible epiphany
 but I had it
 They. Are. Gone. 
All. My. Love. All. Dan's. Love. All. My. Support. All. Dan's. Support. 
It's.  All.  Gone. 
 The.  Nights.  The.  Days.  Every.  Meal.   Every.  Family night.  Every. Snow ball fight.  Every.  Uno game.
 Every.  Scrapped knee.  Every. Sibling fight. Every.  Good day. Every. Bad day.  Every.  Holiday. 
Every.  Phone call.  Every. Package.  Every.  Card. 
School concerts.  Birthdays.  Holidays. 
Through.  All. The. Joy.  Through. All. The. Tears.
Every.  Road trip.  Every.  Plane ride.  Every.  Sacrifice. We ever made. Through.All.The. Years.
Still.   They.  Left.
It's. Gone.
They're gone.
 Just.  Like.  That. 
Every.  Memory.  Each.  And.  Every.  One.
From.  Then.  Until.  Now.
Caught.  Up.  In .  A.  Tornado.
Facing.  Swirling.  Past.

  I.  Ask.
 I.   Don't.  Know. 

Today.  It. Just.  Hit.  Me.
 They. Are.  Gone.