
The River

Drip drop drip drip drop 
Drip drop drip drip drop 
Rain Rain Rain 

Then more clouds
Then  rain - rain - rain - rain

Drip drop drip drip drop 
Drip drop drip drip drop 
Drip drop drip drip drop 
Drip drop drip drip drop 
All around  all around

Rain Rain Rain Rain
Buckets of  freeing cold rain 
Splashing - smashing - beating down upon me
Relentless immersion - no end in sight 
I'm drowning

Rain is gone - only ice falls now
Violently - Hurling - beating - shattering - shiver
Fear is unleashed - nothing left of who I am
I cry out to G-d  - the only way I can
My spirit is broken

Ominous - miraculous - gracious -love
Sonshine appears 
Encasing my very being
I hear my name - stealing deaths last step
Audible - silent - mighty - gentle

Time freezes - stands still  -  a second - for an hour
So thirsty - I was so thirsty
His voice - I hear - "I do love you. I do care."
He lead me to the River of G-d.
He gave me a drink - I have never thirsted again.

I know that no mater what happens in this world
 That ONE thing will NEVER change.
G-d loves me.

 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 38:38-39

This is just a prose about one day of my Testimony - The "Day" I heard the Lord call my name.
There is more to my life's testimony  both before I asked the Lord Yeshua to be my Lord  and after I have been walking with him (since 1976.)
There is so much more. However - THIS ONE DAY was a very special day to me. I heard the Lord's audible voice call MY name. He also kept me from committing suicide.
I also gave my life, heart, mind and soul to HIM and was baptized in the Holy Spirit this day!
So  - yeah - BIG Day for me!!!
Shalom !