
Prayer behind the curtain

HE knows

I have seen a dramatic influx of prayer requests over the past couple of months and weeks.
So much so that even in my own spirit it has affected me dramatically.

I have gone before Abba about this.

I wanted to share this with all or anyone who happens upon this.

When life gets beyond tough.
When the questions come streaming in  faster than we can answer them. 
When our big hearts just aren't big enough to carry the burdens of everyone around us anymore.
Perhaps it's time we fall down before the Lord.

Just take time away to "be still" an "know" Him.

 I assure you ~ in this you will find true Shalom.
No words needed.
For as surely as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West each and every day
 our creator, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
HE knows
"He knows before we even ask what it is we need."  Matthew 6:8
He has made a way for us to enter in behind the curtain 

Covered in the Blood of the Lamb

Sitting in silence in the presence of my creator
   I myself do not even know the full measure of the need at hand
I sit in the Holy ~ Mighty ~ presence of Almighty G-d
Covered in the Blood of the Lamb
Unworthy ~ so unworthy ~  speechless
Face down ~ speechless
Holy – Holy – Holy
He is Holy ~ so very Holy
Yet my request is ~ His heart
My heart ~ is ~ in His hand
Holy – Holy – Holy
He is Holy ~ so very Holy
Melted ~  sorrow ~  repented
Death ~  newness ~ life once again
Holy – Holy - Holy
He is Holy ~ so very Holy
Scarlet ~  Crimson ~ Raining down
Snow ~  falling ~  covering the ground
The Glory of G-d ~ all around 
Holy – Holy - Holy
He is Holy ~ so very Holy
I am here ~ All I am
Nothing ~ I am nothing
So with nothing I come
Humbly I bow
Covered in the Blood of Lamb
Unworthy ~ so thankful ~ surrounded in G-d's glory
Covered in the Blood of Lamb



So many things in life I don't understand.

So many things in life we will never be able to make sense of.

Yet, life here, as we know it now is fleeting.

I miss you.  I realize. I can never undo the past or recreate  what we have now - still I can't help but wonder why we can't just start fresh from where we are now and become what G-d has for us to be from this point on.

I love and mss you way more than I seem to be able to bear.



Are you sure?

We are all given much and little

We are all left to do with as we please.

Then for each of us the time will come

When with our eyes we will see.

He who gave us much and little

He who bestowed free will to do as we please.

No one gets a free ride on this one.

Will YOU be ready - for what you see?

We will all stand before Him.

It's just you.
It's just me.

There's no politics.
There's no religion.

Just our creator and the those He loves with His life.

However, I will say this much...There is one thing we absolutely must get right.

If we wish to live in peace with Messiah in the life after this one right now...we MUST.....absolutely  (no exceptions) get to know - personally our Messiah...our Lord....Yeshua/Jesus.....NOW!
 *Matthew 7:23*

"For your love is more delightful than wine."

If you do. This is good.
Now I ask once again.
Are you sure - about the big and small things?
Are you certain you made the right choice in the end?

Have you cast away all malice?
Forgiven with no regrets?
Loved like there's no tomorrow?
And no boundaries set?

Have you made the Master your Mentor?
Replaced fear with perfect love?
Stopped listening to the lies of the world?
And started "dwelling in the heavens above"?

If you have, then you I invite - No! I challenge you!
Be who Elohim has created you to be!
Through His Son Yehshua!
Ask your creator to open your eyes to see.

Freedom awaits those who take that first step.
Faith  like a mustard seed.
For we are all given much and little.
For peace and security, little is all you need.

Come, today is the day of life for you.
Tomorrow is no guarantee.
I ask you one more time, " Are you sure? Do you know?"
When you die, who and what  you will see?