
Dear Papa


 Dear Papa,

I just want to take a moment to write you and say thank you.
Thank you for being big enough.
Big enough that I don't have to add to you.
Big enough that I feel safe and secure.
Big enough to meet all my needs.
Big enough to meet me where I am
Big enough to meet everyone else where they are.
I want to thank you for loving me the way you do.
Thank you for  your BIG love that is so big that is so complete that it is perfect.
Just the way it is. Without any human added touch.

You are so amazing Papa. YOU are incredibly wonderfully outrageously mind-blowing-ly incomprehensible!
Your love is pure! YOU are YOUR love!
Thank you for sending Yeshua.
What a gift.


Such an amazing gift.
Yeshua, you came. You became what you created. Lived among us. Perfect. Perfectly lived among us. In an imperfect  world - tempted .... yet never sinning and then of your OWN volition - out of pure - perfect - love - you chose to lay your life down - and your were crucified on a tree for ME.

You took my place so I would not have to be crucified. Grace.Amazing grace.
You set ME free.

I am yours now.

I love you. I love you with my life.

All I have is yours. I would have nothing without you. 
You are all I have. Because of you, I live. I love. I am.

No light shows....No dance moves....No fancy sermons.
Just You. Your love, your life and your sacrifice.
It was enough then. It is enough now.

Thank you Papa.
For being "Big Enough".