
No One the Same

Wow. Just wow.

I have been deep in thought, again. All week, more than usual my thoughts have traveled to the inner most depths of my soul.

This has been a glorious week for sure. New life has sprung forth. The miracle of birth! 
As I gaze upon this precious little life, created in the very image of He who created him, I am reminded that each and every one of us is also created in the image of our great and most awesome creator.
Each and everyone.
Yet, we are all, every one of us, different. Not one single person the exact same as the other.

Wow. Just wow.

So this is why I find myself at all hours of the day and night sharing emotions contrary to one another.
Instead of just relishing in the glorious joy filled moment of new life which the Creator of All, ADONAI,  has blessed us with, I find myself  being filled with joy over flowing and simultaneously in the deep of my spirit, being reminded of a sorrow so deep it pierces my heart, takes my breath away and moves me to tears.

Why, you may wonder?  No. I am not double minded. Nor do I suffer from a personality disorder. I am simply one of many awaiting the promises of God. *Doing so with thanksgiving, faithful in prayer, remembering those that have fallen asleep in Messiah and those who still need to turn to Messiah. Knowing that when they do the veil that covers their hearts will be taken away and truth be revealed, freedom will reign in the hearts and lives.
The promise of God will be fulfilled to His glory. Amen.*

So it is that one life does not cancel out another.
(Put in another very simple way -I miss my sons)

Any parent will tell you, you can not replace the life of a lost child with the new life of another.
Though the JoY of a new life is absolutely, incredible and should not be dismissed or belittled in anyway because of the grief of the loss of another. No amount of children will ever replace the loss of even one child. That child is unique, special and one of kind. Created by God in His image.
Always holding a very special place in heart of his/her parents.

I know this is a sensitive subject.

This is also a very personal subject for me. 
Those of you who have read my blog from the beginning have more of a clue about what I am talking about. I have not suffered the physical death of any of my children. However, I have had to endure the great loss of relationship with my first three children for many, many, years. It has been a painful experience I would wish on no one. 
Through it all, the LORD has been faithful to me and I to Him. 
The LORD has given me promises, both personally and in His Word (the Bible). I have been and will continue to stand on them.

He has also blessed me with an incredible husband and daughters and extended family.

This is where the feelings of both JoY and sadness together come in. 
I feel so very, very blessed right now in my life I can't even describe it. Yet at times the sadness of not ever meeting my 6 grand children or seeing or speaking to any of my 3 sons is overwhelming.

Still, I have *peace*. I have peace, because I know, that my God hears me and my God keeps all His promises. I know that one day we will be together again.

I also know there are others of you out there that suffer through similar situations. I want to encourage you! There is *JoY* through it all! We will reap a just reward if we do not grow weary! The Lord always keep His promises! (*2 Peter 3:9*)

Keep fighting the good fight of faith to which we've been called and let us remember also - when we get tired that it is not us and it is not our strength that keeps us stand firm in Messiah! It is Messiah Himself!   So let's have faith in Him and His promises. Which are always YES and Amen! 

 Praising the LORD in New Life
Praising Him in His Promises.

I have not

Thank you 

for your Peace!

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Matthew 10:29-31 What is the price of two sparrows–one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.