
Are you a Bow and Arrow or Machine Gun Warrior?

Prayer Warrior that is!

Let's find out, shall we?

Have you ever wondered why some prayers seem to get answered and some do not?

Even when those praying the prayer are praying  truthfully  in line with the Word of God?

No, this is not a trick question. Well, maybe.

Okay, okay, I will get to the point. 
You will need to use your visuals.
You know, your imagination? 
I am going to use some examples, so get those spirit eyes open and your Bible ready too. I will be using some of that as well.

I would like to share what I believe the Lord has shown me are the 2 key components to answered prayer.

For the purpose of this revelation, this word I have received from the Holy Spirt, I would like to start with Ephesians ch 6:10-12.

 "Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with his mighty strength! Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary. For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm." 

Any intercessor will agree with this much. 
When we pray we need to be able to see in the spirit and discern who our true adversary is as well as where  or what is causing the issue at hand.

But where and how do we get this discernment?
Is it  "just dropped into our spirits"  or do we "learn it" when we become believers? 
Why do some believers seem to be able to discern spot on every time and other believers  miss it every time?

Ahhhhh....the age old question.

I have heard so many answers to that question over the years and I have never been completely satisfied with any of them.

Until now.

During my prayer time, when I asked the Lord about this subject, this is what He said to me, 

"Amy, It's not just about discernment. It's also about direction."

"Imagine the first the second and the third heavens.
  1. The first heaven, consists of the the earth and the atmosphere where the clouds and the birds of the air are. The second heaven,  where the sun, stars, and moon are. ALSO, where the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing the darkness and spiritual forces of evil dwell.  The third heaven is the dwelling place of the Most High G-d. This is my dwelling place.. The highest heaven."
Now imagine two believers of the same tribe. Both have been tried and tested and have been found faithful.
I have given one of them a high powered automatic machine gun.
I have given the other a bow and a quiver full of arrows and taken them up to the third heaven to sit at my feet and await my instruction.

Which one of these intercessors  do you believe most effective AmyColleen?

The one praying from the first heaven shooting with great power, might, passion and  much love for me?


The one who is sitting at my feet, awaiting 
my direction before shooting her bow?
Also, with great power, might, passion and much love for me?"

Well,  the answer is the believer with the bow and arrow who is sitting at the feet of the Lord.

There is much to be said for righteous indignation. However, the key is knowing when it's "righteous" indignation and not just "us" being angry on account of righteousness sake.

Think about this situation. 

The believer shooting "up towards" the second heaven would be shooting blindly INTO the battlefield. They may or may not hit the key target. Also, they may also have unnecessary casualties. 
(Cause and effect of prayers that have been prayed) "For we know that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective."James5:16 
"For although we do live in the world, we do not wage war in a worldly way; because the weapons we use to wage war are not worldly. On the contrary, they have God’s power for demolishing strongholds". 2Cor 10:3,4)


Both of these intercessors loved the Lord passionately and had a heart to pray and further Gods kingdom. 
Both had a zeal to move on behalf of the Lord in HIS work.
What was missing, the point the Lord was making here with me was, that the believer that was sitting at the Lords feet in the third heaven clearly had the one thing that the other believer was missing.

Direction from the Lord.

This with something that is available to everyone with out prejudice.
For the LORD loves all the same. 

In fact Gods word tells us that ..."We are now seated  with Yeshua our Messiah at the right of the Father in the heavenly realm.  (Ephesians 2:6)  Also Galatians 2:20, "For we have been crucified with Messiah and in so we now are alive in Him....He having ascended into the third heaven and remains seated at the right hand of the Father.
(Ephesians 1:21) "far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in this present age but also in the one to come." 

So the  question remains, how do we turn our machine guns in for a bow and arrow?

The answer is quite simple.

Come away with the LORD. Sit at his feet. Be quite and listen.

"Be still (desist from your activities) and know I AM GOD." Psalm 46:10

Just desist from everything. Take time to sit down with your creator and just be with Him. 

Learn to listen.
Shalom out - AmyColleen