
Do YOU Remember These Expandable Balls? - I DO!

Do You Remember THESE Expandable Balls

I do.

I used to think they were so cool. They were relatively small to begin with and then you could just grab hold of them with your hands, fingers....and well...you would need the strength of your arms then you would pull them open in this HUGE ball that was large enough to contain a small pet.

My kids loved them so much it was sometimes one of the first things they would run to play with we went into the specialty toy store at the mall.
They came in many different colors! They were awesome!

Well, this morning as I was getting ready for work as I was chatting with my Lord about a great many things in life. I became a but over whelmed. As I sometimes can.   (uhhh - no kiddin'!)

I mean, come on, let's be real here....time's are a changin' and fast....am I wrong on that one?

Now I realize we all have our own issues to deal with....our own crosses to bear....but add that to the fact that the world is sinking lower and lower into a deeper state of depravity.......AND the fact the our very own U.S. of A. is starring in it's very own sequel of the movie "Speed" only instead of a poor unwilling, victim for a bus driver - we have crazzed, power hungry, eccentric for a leader.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the movie "Speed" is. It's  an action/thriller film where a bus becomes the focus of a bomber and extortionist. The only way to keep the bus from crashing and exploding and killing everyone is to keep it driving at 50 mph. 

So as I was talking with my Lord this morning and feeling the burden of not only my own issues but the issues and burdens of those closest to me, my family, my co-workers and neighbors and those of the country I grew up in and the rest of the entire world.

I began to feel some what over whelmed.....yet again.

However, once again....my precious, Holy, Lord and master Yeshua HaMashiach graced me with His presence and once again filled me with the peace of G-d that passes all understanding that guards my heart and mind!

He shared a word or two (or three)---with a visual that was to me quite powerful and I thought I would pass it along! I truly hope you are just as blessed!

My convo with the Master went something like this.

"Oh my Lord, my precious, Holy Lord---Yeshua---Holy Father! Lord G_d!  ALMIGHTY!  Please! Help!   How?---I mean---What? ---Where? - You have laid all these things upon my heart – All these people - I thank you Lord for your love - I see all your grace in my life - Thank you, thank you.  Lord, thank you. But HOW? - My prayers - There is just sooooo much - Where do I start?  I mean I know I have started - but there is just so much - I thank you so much Lord - Sometimes I just don't see how - I pray and pray - but I thank you - Lord -  I am babbling - Oh Yeshua –I just love you....."

(tears running down my newly painted[make-up just put on] face)

Then the Lord broke in.  Clear as if you were sitting here with me now talking to me.
I saw the picture you see on the top of this post, Only difference is that the sphere was multi colored.
The Lord spoke to my heart in my head and said to me,

"Oh Amy....I love you." 
Then I smiled and answered back, "I am so glad you know my thoughts Lord better than I. Thank you Lord."

He continued, "Amy you aren't required to change the world. Nor are you expected to. You can't. That's my job. 
You ask me how. Well, come to me my Amy Colleen - that is how. Everything you need is in me. 
You ask what. To do the will of our Father -  But then you already know that.
 You ask whereWhere you are now, my precious Amy Colleen. Right where you are. 
Let go of the past for it will give the enemy power to paralyze you.
It will make you ineffective in the work the Father has for you to do.
 now and in the future. 
Amy - do not worry and do not fear. Do not concern yourself with how much there is to do. I am the Lord of the harvest and until I return there will always  be tasks at hand. More than there are laborers to accomplish."

At these words I was so awestruck and filled with a certain Holy Fear and (believe it or not) still feeling a wee bit over whelmed and answered back - my response:

"Oh Lord, thank you, thank you, thank you my glorious Lord for knowing my heart and listening to my heart and not giving ear to my grumblings - But still Lord - I feel as though all I do is pray and pray and pray and still there are so many things that I can't even see the slightest movement on - Lord? Why? - Others come to me as well with this same question - wanting to know why? I don't know what to tell them. Please Lord - what's going on?"

(I love this)

His answer -
"Amy Colleen. You see the Sphere?"

"Yes, Lord. I do. I was wondering about that...why I saw it so vividly in my mind."
"Remember how it works?"

"Yes....It starts out very small and tight....and you need to take both hands and use your fingers and grab hold of it and pull it with your arms and it opens up into a huge open sphere."

"What does that have to do with my prayers?"

"My Amy...it is not your prayers that are getting in the way or are not effective. Your prayers are powerful and effective. As long as my children abide in me I will abide in them . If I abide in them they have all the power resident within them that I have resident within me. So you see your prayers are not in question."

"Than what is, Lord?"
(I actually *heard* the Lord smile - that was pretty cool in and of itself actually)

"My precious Amy, you are getting in the way. Not intentionally, but as you are running about to and fro trying to accomplish many different tasks all on your own strength with your own love and good will. I never intended for you to carry all these burdens. I took upon myself the burdens of the world, carried them down the road to Calvary and still to this day my heart is broken for many who have not yet come home. Again...this is my job."

I still wasn't fully understanding what the Lord was saying to me just yet - but in my minds eye I was beginning to see what the Lord was going to say next - (this was awesome!)

"Sooooo - Lord?  What AM I supposed to be doing with all this burden I am feeling and what does it have to do with the sphere?"

"The sphere is the world....your world.....family, friends, those closest to you as well as the world in general. Amy, you are so faithful to run around from place to place, trying to make it better, little bit here ......little bit there.....think about it Amy."

I did. I imagined as the Lord spoke. I saw myself running to and from one side of the world (the sphere) pulling it out and then as soon as I got one side out and ran to the other to pull it out the side that I previously pulled out collapsed. This happened over and over and over again. I was so aggravated and exhausted just even "thinking " about it ! 

"Wow." was all I could say.

"See, it makes you tired and that is thinking about it doesn't it? " 
(Amazing how the Lord knows our thoughts)

"Amy, precious Amy, at best you can run around with good intentions and bring a smile to peoples hearts. But to see change - to see the sphere grow - I need to grab hold of it and pull it with MY HANDS until it opens up. That's when you will SEE the CHANGE you desire to see. 
Your part in all this?
To abide in me - to trust and obey.
 In this alone will you will be able to fulfill the will of the Father. 
Then will find great favor in His sight.
 Amy, I do not drive my sheep, it is the butcher that drives the sheep to the slaughter house. I am the great shepherd. My sheep know me and hear my voice
I lead my sheep besides still water and give them green pastures to where they can rest their soul.
 Do not fear. I am with you always and I hear your every prayer.

As you abide in me and I abide in you.
 I will take hold of YOUR WORLD and change it forever."


Out With the Old in With the New

Sometimes - that can really be a GOOD thing. Like when you get a new pair of sneakers?

Well, right now I am being forced to change and it's not my sneakers and I am not liking it.

I suppose things could be worse.
I don't supposed you have guessed yet what I am talking about have you? It's pretty obvious actually. I mean I am talking about my blog.

The "whole new look" that google has "gently - forced" upon me. Apparently, as they put it, I am one of the "lucky ones".

Why? You ask why??? Well I am so glad you ask. Let me tell you.
It's all you awesome peeps out there! Reading my posts! Yay!
Now that time I was serious! No sarcasm intended.  
Since I have such a busy following that makes me a perfect candidate for a new pilot blog template.

You will notice up on the very top of this page, in the left corner under the title "

The Fire Within"

, it says -
  • Classic
  •  . Well if you hoover over it,  a drop down menu will appear and give you several options with which you can  cruise on through my blog and have the time of your reading life! yay! (well maybe . lol) Also on the far right side if you hoover over the sidebar you will now have the option to view my profile an former blogs AND sign up by e-mail to have my blogs sent straight to you e-mail! Yay! 

      This menu bar is for YOU, the reader. For your viewing pleasure!  Each title is a a whole different segway into a world of written wonder inspired by The Fire Within.

    Please take time to *click away* and let me know what you think of this new fan-dangled "google-blog".  Comments are more than welcome in fact are desired! (clean of course!)

    As always ~ Shalom in the Love of Our most Holy and Worthy Lord Yeshua Ha Mashiach


    In His Hand

    Amy Colleen

    In his hand;
    Since my beginning
    Until my end.

    Created like him;
    Designed to worship him

    I am surely my beloveds,
    He is mine.

    Heavens King calls down;
    I answer with a sigh.
    [I must have more of him!
    Or I will surely die!]

    My LORD, who am I that you gaze upon me;
    Opening the windows of Heaven like a curtain?
    “You have called, my LORD…I am here.
    Your own beloved Hand Maiden.”

    Engulfed in heavens light;
    Beholding heavens hosts;

    Swept away in spirit;
    Taken to my LORD;

    I am surely my beloveds,
    He is mine.

    Heavens King takes my hand,
    brings me to my feet.
    Celestial music fills the air.
    We dance; our eyes they meet.

    My LORD, who am I that you gaze upon me;
    Opening the windows of Heaven like a curtain?
    “You have called, my LORD….I am here.
    Your Own Amy Colleen.”

    June 4, 2007

    All work  on this page is copyrighted ©2007 by Amy Colleen. All rights reserved.
    Unauthorized use or reproductions are prohibited.

    Jerusalem and the "big" bomb

    O Jerusalem

    What will happen and when?
    I had this vision last year - wow everything is moving so fast

    Very early in the morning I woke up and lay very still in the quiet with the Lord.I was swept up into the spirit; to a  place in the heavens where the Lord and I often spend time alone. After which, the Lord then took me to the edge of Heaven [I have been here once before]

    Truly amazing. Not anything that could be easily describe in mere words. Sitting next to the King of Kings, on the "edge" of what I can best describe as the highest heaven, over looking the entire universe.
    Yeah - nah - I won't begin to try.

    The Lord stretched his right arm out towards the huge darken universe - harnessing my attention towards the earth.

    That's when I saw it.

     I saw Jerusalem. As she stands now. With the Temple on the Mount.

    From there  -  I saw a great light  and mushroom cloud -  like that of huge bomb coming up from the earth. 
    Like nothing I had ever seen before.
    Right where  I had seen Jerusalem just seconds before.

     Then, suddenly I was back at  "our special place" with the Lord.  

    I just sat there with my head against the Lord's chest for a moment. Then I sat up in bed, opened my eyes and spoke out loud to him in my room. [as this vision greatly disturbed me]

     "Lord, did you just show me that? Did I really see what I saw or was it my imagination?"

    A sense of holy awe came over me and I began to weep with repentance.

    "Soon, stay close to me."  was all I heard him say..

    03/05/2011 is when I had this Vision


    You are Healed

    I sent forth my word and healed you

    Why do you seek for what you can not find, among those who have no authority over life or death?

    A Greater calling

    Find your calling in MY heart

    Seek me above all else
    Desire my deepest love
    Give all you have for what I am
    I have made you who you are
    For my purpose and for my pleasure you were created
    Come before me and share my love

    Know me 

    Give room to my Spirit
    Let me in your deepest place
    Lift up your voice and seek my face

    Walk with me; talk with me; sing your sweet love songs to me
    Forsake not thy first love for it pleases me and touches my heart

    This is why I have created you; above all else and before anything more
    In this you will find the answers that you seek
    Do not look in vain to man's answers

    The answer is in me 

    I love you

    Awaken Me....Misty Edwards

    Forgive me for neglecting Your heart,
    Forgive me for my busy life,
    Forgive me for wasting time,

    but my heart I have forgotten

    Put Your hand upon my heart
    Put Your hand upon my heart
    I want to feel 

    Let me know that I'm alive
    Let me know that I'm alive
    I want to feel (You)

    Take away a proneness to boredom
    Take away my wandering spirit
    And take this wild soul

    Captivate me
    Come and hold me like you do

    Captivate me
    Capture this imagination
    Capture my affections, too

    God, Come and capture my imagination

    God, Capture my affections, too

    Came awaken me
    Awaken me
    Awaken me
    Awaken me

    I want You to awaken me



    Fascinate me

    Fascinate me

    Take away the dullness

    Let me know that I'm alive

    Put Your hand upon my heart

    For I'm dark from working in the vineyard,

    Forgive me for neglecting mine.



    Forgiveness - it's a wonderful thing. 

    I just can't stress that enough. I know I have written about this several times already. Still, another day has come and gone and I have fallen victim once again to an unexpected tornado like, whirl wind, blast of emotion from someone on my way to slumber land. Stripping me of any peace and joy I had ascertained just previously during my evening relaxation time. Thus the post. Something that can only be explained by the ugly side effects of un-forgiveness that lingers and hides inside a persons deeply wounded heart. 

    About tonight, I know this person was upset about something that actually happened to me. The un-forgiveness  in their heart is for pain that was inflicted upon me. I  was wronged. I was hurt because of it and this person is still very upset about it. I have since then forgiven those that have wronged me. Those that have wronged me, have still not made it right and this person is very angry and un-forgiving towards them. One might say ---out of love for me.

    But is it - love - ?

    I understand the pain. I understand the disappointment. Believe me, when I say I do. I can honestly say, what happened between us was the worst pain I have EVER felt in my life.
    But as I read the Holy Scripture - The Bible - the Word of God - it is Very clear.
    I must forgive.
    or I will not be forgiven by my Father in heaven.

    No it's not easy. But as I start by willing to forgive. Seeking the help of Holy Spirit to continue to live out the forgiveness day to day. 

    It happens.

    I forgive. and. I end up loving . Again.

    Bitterness leaves me. I am free.

    I believe, also, in doing this, that those I have forgiven are free as well. Free to heal on their side. (there are always two sides to every story). Free to forgive. Free to love again.

    Then maybe - one day - with the blessing and grace of God - we will both have what the Lord has intended for us to have in first place. 

    Maybe, one day.

    Through forgiveness.

    It's a wonderful thing.


    Martin Bashir

    Regarding the question you asked the Baptist Preacher, 

    "Do you think the President is a Christian?"

    I do not think our current acting President is a Christian.

    Honestly I don't even know "why" you are concerned about it. 
    Unless of course it is for the sole purpose of your trying to get him re-elected. (Winning him more votes.) 
    If this is the case, THAT, in and of itself, would go against the very - principles of the Christian faith - you were so passionately declaring our current President upholds. 

    Furthermore, I can't imagine you would put the President in such an awkward political position being that IF this were the case, I  am almost certain the President would not wish for you to participate in this type of bargaining for "votes". (especially on video and the world wide web). Almost.


    Last Call for the Bullet Train! - Dream

    "I jumped on - and it just began to go." 

    A Night Time Vision

    In my dream - all was well and quiet and I had just been awakened from a short nap by a loud sudden blast of sound. I was in my car. My bright, yellow V.W. Bug. The "Sonflower".

    I saw a large bunch of people that I know, all prophetic in nature, running down the sidewalk. They looked directly at me as if they knew I was wondering what they doing and said, 
    "We are going to get something to eat ."
    I hollered back,  "Where are you going?"
    They answered, "To the Burger King."
    I answered them, "Wait for me! I'm coming with you!" 
    (strange - I normally hate fast food. well Burger isn't always fast food!)

    Next thing I know  they all piled into a very large car and pulled into the drive way, (very long driveway)  of a huge restaurant. I followed them in my Bright Yellow VW Bug.

    They drove to the very back of the parking lot and around the corner and parked. I parked my car right up next to the restaurant. 

    I hopped out and started walking to the restaurant. As I made my way towards the door I notice the strangest and most glorious thing,  it was "raining"  over the restaurant ! Only over the restaurant! 

    I entered the restaurant and apparently had somehow, in my excitement about seeing the rain, had passed up the front door and entered in through the employee entrance instead of the customer entrance. 

    Something inside told me I had been here before. So I just did my best to make it through the kitchen area to dinning room.
    Which proved to be more of a task than one would think as there were very many people  leaving moving in and out of  the doors and I was trying to move against the flow of traffic.

    Eventually I made my way through and into the dinning room. 

    It was a beautiful place!!! It didn't look like a  fast food restaurant at all. That's is for sure!!!  There was a formal male host with menus standing at the front door to greet guests arriving. I "just knew" he thought I was going to sit down somewhere where for a long time and order up a feast.  Then there was this female hostess, a guide of sorts. I knew in my spirit she was different.
    I got her attention and placed my hand over my mouth and half whispered to her,
     "I am here to go to Burger King."
    She replied, "Ah, yes...right this way." At that she waved/swung her arm outward, away from her and the wall in the back of the restaurant opened in front of us.

    I jumped on what looked to be to be a monorail train; and it just began to go.

    The train was a spiffy new sleek looking train. Blue and silver bullet train. There was room enough to stand (for about 4-6 people) and on either side a place to lay down. Bunks. Bare bone, bunks. 2 on each side. One on top and one on bottom. There were windows all around. 
    There were others on beside me. One woman who got on at the same time as I did, and one just before us and the the others were already on. Some were laying down in the bunks and some were standing. We all had our eyes wide open and looking out the windows.
    As the train moved it picked up speed and we began to see the seasons change, rapidly change.

     I was looking out the window watching the seasons change. The seasons would change in nature and at the same time we would see times  socially and politically and many other ways. I stood there eyes fixed out my window watching and my ears tuned in to the very clear voice explain everything in detail  as it would happen. Sometimes before it would happen. Sometimes why it would happen and sometimes why it would not happen. I began to feel uncomfortable even a bit confined. An over whelming sense of urgency came over me. Came over all of us on the train.

    This experience was, to say the least, super-natural. We saw a great many things. The seasons were changing. Very fast. The natural season and the supernatural seasons.
    The voice that we heard was loud and strong and spoke the entire time explaining what we saw.

    Everything was moving very fast.  Thus the FAST FOOD

    Then the windows disappeared and we were coming to a slow. That's when I noticed the women that were standing there next to me. They were all talking about we had all seen and heard and they were talking about their ministry. What they had been commissioned to do. 

    The doors opened and they ran out of there in a big hurry.

    I woke up.


    Burning Inside - God's Gift

    The Fire Within

    Hello, thank you for stopping by! 
    Welcome to my little corner of the 
    World Wide Web!  
     place I just come and share stuff. A “little bit of everything” – kinda stuff.

    About the only thing - all this "stuff "  on here,  has in common, is -
     that it comes from 
    “The Fire Within”. 
     (*That’s what makes it good*)
    So - Please  take your time, read through these pages full of encouraging and entertaining words and leave a comment or two
    absolutely  love to hearing from you! 
    May the good Lord bless you! – Amy Colleen

    If you hoover over the top left corner of the page it will give you several different viewing options.
    Also - on the far right if you hoover over the side bar you now have the option to view my full profile as well as view past blogs posts and sign up by e-mail to receive new posts! Yay! 

    Amy Colleen

    In his hand;
    Since my beginning
    Until my end.

    Created like him;
    Designed to worship him

    I am surely my beloveds,
    He is mine.

    Heavens King calls down;
    I answer with a sigh.
    [I must have more of him!
    Or I will surely die!]

    My LORD, who am I that you gaze upon me;
    Opening the windows of Heaven like a curtain?
    “You have called, my LORD…I am here.
    Your own beloved Hand Maiden.”

    Engulfed in heavens light;
    Beholding heavens hosts;

    Swept away in spirit;
    Taken to my LORD;

    I am surely my beloveds,
    He is mine.

    Heavens King takes my hand,
    brings me to my feet.
    Celestial music fills the air.
    We dance; our eyes they meet.

    My LORD, who am I that you gaze upon me;
    Opening the windows of Heaven like a curtain?
    “You have called, my LORD….I am here.
    Your Own Amy Colleen.”

    June 4, 2007

    All work  on this page is copyrighted ©2007 by Amy Colleen. All rights reserved.
    Unauthorized use or reproductions are prohibited.