Prophetic Soaking Music


And this is what HE said to me.....2/21/2011

As I was sitting here this morning with the Lord....just sitting the quiet of the rainy day. I heard the Lord whisper to me,
"Close your eyes - be still - know me."

To be honest at first I wondered, in my mind, "Be still? I am still...I am just sitting here enjoying your presence...."
Then I heard the whisper again, "Close your eyes.....shhhhhhhh."

(Isn't it fearfully amazing in a very holy the Lord God can be?)

I am glad I listened, because as I sat in the quiet after a few moments the Lord began to speak to me.
He spoke specifically to me about my purpose and mission in life and also about these days and times we are in

I will share with you what it is the Lord spoke about the his body and these perilous times and how to be prepared for them.

This is what He said.

"My Beloved, I hear so many say if you are so heavenly minded or if you live so much of the time in the spirit how can you function in the natural realm? There has to be a balance.....This is not so, my Beloved the times you live in are perilous times and your advisory Satan has stepped up his game plan, he knows his time is running short. He has all hands on deck. He is using every deception in his ability to kill, steal and destroy not only those outside of my body but even those who have heard the truth and accepted it. He has planted spies in the camp who have been successful in bringing divisions, compromise, gluttony, envy, strife, jealousy and a whole host of sin into my body. The only way to see through this is by using your spirit eyes. By hearing my voice alone, not man's. This can only be done by using your spirit ears. You must walk in the spirit at all in the spirit at all times. It is then and only then you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh....As you know my Beloved no one who practices these things will inherit the kingdom of God.
The season is upon us...THIS IS THE SEASON...not even I  know the day or the hour my Love....but surly I can sense the changing of the seasons.....and I can as well....but only in the spirit....only if you are in the spirit.....for in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, those that await that moment will be taken to meet together with ME.....and ALL WHO HAVE BEEN AWAITING THE COMING OF THEIR MESSIAH WILL SEE HIM COME.....TOGETHER - WITH EVEN THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE....although the fate of those who do not believe will not be the same as those who believe.

My Beloved, look always with spirit eyes, see what the spirit has to say so will not be deceived.
Hear always with spirit ears so you will hear always what the spirit has to say.
Walk always in the spirit so you ill not full fill the lusts of the flesh and will be one to inherit the Kingdom of God.

Do Not Worry about Being filled TOO Much with the Spirit of God that you will not be able to function in the natural realm, you are made of flesh and can not avoid the desire to survive...these desires and tendencies will always be primary....Die daily to yourself and ungodly desires until I take my Bride home."

"I love you"