Isaiah 53 says that Yeshua/Jesus..
"was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering...."
Hullo - I know, I know. It's been awhile. This is what I got for ya'
No, seriously, I have been mega busy with, work, health issues and of course my new blog -
"My Life in Pictures."
"My Life in Pictures."
Have you checked it out yet? You totally should! Something you can check out late at night. Hardly any reading needed as it is 98% pictures!
So anyway - About half way through my
"therapy project" (my little nick name for my new blog titled "My Life in Pictures") I had an epiphany of sorts. I realized a great many things. One of which is that it was, just that, a "therapy project".
At this point, I am probably about half way through being finished with my new blog. Although I would say it is the journey of this task that is
the actual accomplishment in
itself. The actual therapy of the project, so to speak. Sifting through so many
years of my life in photos. Hundreds and hundreds of photos. Hours of my life
remembering times I had stashed away, deep down in my heart and mind, for untold reasons. Good and not so good
memories. Absolutely joyous occasions and down right gut wrenching,
horrific times in my life. Some photos I wish I could share with the world and
yet so intimate and personal I choose to hold them sacredly close only to
my eyes.
Why has the good Lord sent me on this journey at this time in my
At first I was unresponsive to this idea. Then
I responded with an, "Absolutely not. That's a horrible
Then over the course of a few days the idea grew on me and
my husband, not even knowing this idea came to me from the Lord
already, my husband brought this very idea up to me. "Amy, you need to
tell your story with pictures. Tell it on line. You are good at that. It may
even be good therapy for you."
Well, I chuckled. "You think so?" I responded back. That
was the end of the conversation and the beginning of my new blog.
You see the Lord has me living in a whole new dimension of
faith right now. Walking
next to Him, closely. Very closely. He is taking me places I never even thought about going before - ever. Which sounds great, except that generally speaking I have learned that to get somewhere you have never been in the spirit realm you need to do something you have never done before, first. It's a growth thing.
Oh, don't get me wrong here! I want to be close to God! Really close. Closer than I have ever been before. I mean I have prayed all the right prayers.
I have prayed, "Lord draw me closer to you." - You know
that prayer, right?
"Lord, I want a heart like yours." - Sound familiar yet?
how about
"Lord, take me - ALL of me - make me like YOU!"
or even
or even
"I surrender ALL Lord. I surrender ALL."
Can you remember any of those prayers?
Well I remember ALL of those prayers and then some. I
have been praying those prayers for well over 35 years now. I still
pray those prayers. Guess what? The Lord has heard every, single one of them.
He is currently in the process, and has been for over 35 years now, of
answering them as well. THAT, is one big reason I am finding myself in this place in life.
Oh, it has been quite a journey, to say the least. The Lord
has been chipping away at this here piece of coal for a
good long time. He finally broke through to reveal the diamond in the rough and now after
all these years, no credit to anyone else but Abba, Yeshua/Jesus and Holy Spirit the Lord is onto the polishing stage! Oh Glory Halleluia! I am finally feeling the smooth side of the polishing cloth in stead of the chiseling tool! Yay!
Trail after trial after tribulation and trial.....ViCtOrY won
after ViCtOrY won.....I am worn and tired but Thankful and full of JoY for the
Lord has never ceased to be with me and deliver me and always without fail pour
out His love and grace and mercy down upon me and my house. Without this I
would not be able to even raise my head from the bed, each day. My life, as it
is now - the circumstances that surround me day to day, are so
overwhelming, that without the aforementioned I would not be here to share
this now.
Yeshua IS my life line. Yeshua IS my joy. Yeshua IS my all in all.
So, maybe hard times come your way. So maybe friends,
turn their back on you. Lie about you, even betray you.
Maybe. They did the same thing to Yeshua/Jesus!
So maybe, your own children turn away from you. Maybe they keep
you from seeing your grand babies. Maybe. How many babies have been aborted and
YESHUA and have a relationship with their creator? Abba Father
knows the pain.
Why do we think we are better than our Master?
The Gospel of Matthew in ch10 v24 says - “Students are not
above their teacher, nor servants above their master."
So - bottom line -
what ever Yeshua had to endure here while on earth, we too as His
students/disciples can also expect to have to come up against and
Everything we go
through - every heart ache, sorrow, pain we experience, our Heavenly
Father - Yeshua/Jesus has experienced or IS experiencing now.
What ever you are
feeling now. Come to God. Come to Yeshua/Jesus.
He is waiting.
I remember the very first time I prayed and asked God to show me HIS heart.
To make me like HIM.
I prayed and said, "Lord I want to walk and do things for you where most will not, I want to understand things that most will not take the time to understand.
I want to really know how you feel inside your heart. Please show me Lord."
Well the word of God tells us in Isaiah 53 says that Jesus.. "was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering...."
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers.
To make me like HIM.
I prayed and said, "Lord I want to walk and do things for you where most will not, I want to understand things that most will not take the time to understand.
I want to really know how you feel inside your heart. Please show me Lord."
Well the word of God tells us in Isaiah 53 says that Jesus.. "was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering...."
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers.
A Journey I Never Knew I was Taking
By; Amy Colleen
On a journey I never knew I was taking
I now am nearing the end
I can clearly see he who waits for me
The one on whom I’ve grown to depend
I have learned to hear his voice
To walk by faith and not by site
I have learned to love my Lord
With all my heart, soul and might
I have followed in his foot steps
Sacrificing for those dearest to me
Also for those I do not know
Even when no one can see
Leaving me with a bleeding heart
Betrayed by those I love
Friendless, alone and abandoned
Except by Abba Father above
Only a handful of scattered friends
When it suites them to be around
Still, always I choose to love each one
Until the day I will hear the sound
Of the voice of my Lord Yeshua
“Come thou my beloved AmyColleen”
“Well done good and faithful servant
It is time for glory to be seen!”
By; Amy Colleen
On a journey I never knew I was taking
I now am nearing the end
I can clearly see he who waits for me
The one on whom I’ve grown to depend
I have learned to hear his voice
To walk by faith and not by site
I have learned to love my Lord
With all my heart, soul and might
I have followed in his foot steps
Sacrificing for those dearest to me
Also for those I do not know
Even when no one can see
Leaving me with a bleeding heart
Betrayed by those I love
Friendless, alone and abandoned
Except by Abba Father above
Only a handful of scattered friends
When it suites them to be around
Still, always I choose to love each one
Until the day I will hear the sound
Of the voice of my Lord Yeshua
“Come thou my beloved AmyColleen”
“Well done good and faithful servant
It is time for glory to be seen!”