Prophetic Soaking Music


People Get Ready - Dream

Quite Disturbing  

If I do say so myself.

I had this dream 3 nights ago.
I haven't wanted to share this dream - but I can't get it off my heart and mind.
I wake up every morning with it on my mind, as if I had just dreampt it all over again.
Even with everything else I have on my plate at the moment in life....I can not keep from seeing this dream run over and over in my minds eye - it was so very vivid.

The dream was short. Oh so vivid.

I was on one of many buses headed in the same direction. There were two lanes on the roadway, however at this time they were both being used to bus people to a common area. So both lanes were going in the same direction. The bus I was on, as well as al the other buses were packed full.

It was hot. Very, very hot. The buses came to a sudden halt. Everyone starting piling out of the buses and like a moth to light they all headed in the same direction.

At first I no idea where they were going.

(I was invisible to everyone around me during this dream. No one could hear or see me.)

I looked around at everyone - at the surroundings. I started walking along with them.
Then I saw the ocean.
Everyone was headed towards the beach. The sandy beach.
I could hear people moaning. I could hear others complaining about the how hot it was.

I felt so bad for them. I could see how tired and hot they were. I looked around and saw some very large oak trees and tried to get peoples attention,
"Hey!" I shouted "Look you come get cooled off under the shade of the big oak trees!"

As I motioned for the people to come to the shade I notice that all of the trees leaves were dried up and dead. 

I got so upset. I began to run from tree to tree and as I did - I saw something even more alarming.

From a few of the trees I saw what appeared to be BATS hanging (as bats do) from the branches.
It was broad day light and bats were out in the open....I couldn't believe it!.....I approached the bats to shu them off the tree...and when I got to the first one, IT FELL TO THE GROUND. I heard a voice behind me say, "They are all dead."

(I felt so helpless at this point. My heart was so heavy. I began to weep.)

I stood and watched hundreds of, woman and children....standing at the oceans edge waiting....looking... so desperate.....and it just kept getting hotter and hotter.