Prophetic Soaking Music


The "Peace" sign - Not just a 60's thing.

Did you know?

The Peace Sign isn't a peace sign at all?
Or at least it didn't  start out as one.

It originated in England May 20, 1940
By the Prime Minister of England Winston Churchill?
Winston Churchill isn't actually giving a peace sign in the photo that day. 
It was a "V" for VICTORY.
This didn't happen after England gained victory over the Nazi's.
Winston Churchill threw up this "victory sign" 10 DAYS before Germany had even invaded England.
After Germany had already taken most of Europe.

Watch the video below 
Be encourage and BE FILLED with FAITH 
as Rabbi Michael brings 
this passionate WORD forth

REDEFINING  Victory in the Believers Life!

Victory in the Star of Jacob - redefined
Rabbi Michael Wolf

A note from AmyColleen

Today's world is FULL of reasons to loose hope, and to question your your faith. 

I encourage you to take 13 min out of your day to watch this incredibly, powerful video!
It will encourage you more than you ever imagined.

No one on earth or in the heavens has power to separate us from the love of G-d.
THIS LOVE which is far too great for us to fully comprehend in our fragile humanness, but we can receive in and through the love and sacrifice of Yeshua Hamaschia. 

Shalom AmyColleen