Prophetic Soaking Music


A Word from the Lord/ A Storm Like No Other

I received this this morning about 6 a.m.

A Word  from the Lord

A Storm Like No Other – Be Ready So God Can Use You

I will come like the rain down upon you
Like a heavy rain that falls in the midst of a great storm with thunder and lighting and wind all around.

My rain will fall down upon  all who are in the path of the storm
For those that have set themselves apart, unto me – those that have devoted themselves to be “Holy as I am Holy” – to those,  my rain will refresh – renew – and restore.

To those who do not know me – who have chosen to separate themselves from my grace and my love – who have chosen to reject my Son – to these that have set themselves apart from me – the rain will also  fall - the mighty wind will come as well – the thunder and lightning all around – and with all this destruction will come and  sadly,  many people will  suffer the effects of this destructive storm.

When the storm has passed – all those who have set themselves apart unto me – those that have devoted themselves to “be Holy as I am Holy” -  those that have been renewed and restored by my rain – by my holy spirit –these precious ones I shall send forth to those that came through the storm – the survivors that were not my own – did not set themselves apart unto me – I will send my faithful ones – they shall be MY hands, MY feet, MY mouth piece.  I shall send them to go forth and bring comfort, healing, deliverance and salvation to a lost, dying and desperate world.

This is the day of salvation.


Mike Huckabee
 · 711,505 like this
about an hour ago · 
  • Just when you thought this whole thing couldn't get more irrational, now we have "Boss" Rahm Emanuel, mayor of Chicago, hoping to prevent a legitimate business from locating in his city because one of the owners happens to believe in the Biblical view of marriage. Will Rahm seek to evict the Catholic and Evangelical churches because their priests and pastors not only believe it, but preach that from their pulpits? Has Rahm Emanuel been elected to an office high enough to give him the ability to censor the speech of people he disagrees with?

    Here is the issue: Chick-fil-A is in the chicken business. No one has said they discriminate against customers or employees or serve an unsafe product. In fact, they are known for exceptional service to their guests, they are beloved by their employees, and obviously the food must be good to grow to 1600 stores. This is about a small but disproportionate minority of militants who are attempting to bully a family and a business and are spewing vile hate speech toward the company because one of its executives said something they dislike and disagree with.

    We are asking all the participants on August 1 and those who post on the blogs to be respectful, kind, and civil no matter what. We are not against anyone or anything. We are for the freedom of Americans to speak their mind and practice their faith. There is no need to lower ourselves into childish name-calling and screaming. That is what people do when they can't defend or explain their point of view.

    If Chick fil-A forced its customers to sign an oath stating they are heterosexual before they could buy a chicken sandwich, the angry critics would not only have a point, but I would join them. I think it is great that Chick-fil-A is run by people with a Biblical world view and they operate it based on Biblical values, but there is a bigger issue. That's not what this is about. The company sells chicken and doesn't force a view on its customers or employees, but the owners shouldn't be disenfranchised from their citizenship and rights of free speech, nor should they be kept from operating their business in cities across the country because a few "wanna be tyrants" disagree with their beliefs.

    We're simply asking people to eat chicken and not to be one when it's time to take a stand-our appreciation is not only for the views of Dan Cathy, but for his right to have them and express them freely.