I love seeing
your face O LORD.
we talk; when I babble on and on, and you break in and smile at me;
love that.
love how you reassure me it's you, who I see, who I hear, who I sense so close
to me;
the way you show up when I open your Word and speak the very same thing you
spoke to me earlier.
I love that you
love me.
how I love that you love me.
will do anything for you, because I love you; because you love me so
though I know there are more words than I can count; there are still not enough
words to adequately describe how wonderful you have been to me and how
incredible you are.
I feel sometimes like I shouldn't even bother writing my feelings down
as the end result would not even come close to being able to describe my love and affection towards you.
Then I realize - then I remember - you
are God, you know all things.
You know my inner most thoughts. Even those I
have a hard time finding words for. Those I can't even come close to expressing. So
if I just give my best shot, then at least you can put the finishing touches on
And - then it will be beautiful and perfect.
Just like you.
"He has made everything beautiful in it's time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to the end."
Ecclesiastes 3:11