The Love of a Mother
You know, I am a lot of things in life, true enough.
However none of these things closer or dearer to my heart than being a Mother.
I remember even as a child that was all I aspired to be. Oh I know in these dark days so many look down at this vocation as "ONLY" a Mother. Personally I think of it as one of the highest callings in life!
I remember my own Mother saying to me, "All I ever wanted to be was a Mother." I also remember how it changed our then strained relationship and my life.
She too was many things in life. Mostly because life demanded she be. Isn't that true these days as well? Aren't all Mother's true multi-tasker's?
A full time Mother is a full time house cleaner. A full time baby sitter/nanny, chef, taxi driver, counselor, best friend and drill sergeant all rolled up in one to her kids. While at the same time a lover and best friend to her husband and the list goes on.....
Still we Mother's are not perfect. We try . Give our best. We get it wrong. Well, in the sense that we call our kids by the wrong name when we are upset. We can never remember the right way to say things to not upset them and of course, not keeping up with the generational verbiage. (boy can that be embarrassing!) On a more serious note, yes there are times when Mother's fall short. When they do things that hurt children. I can neither understand nor excuse a Mother's actions that are incomprehensible.
However, when it comes to a life of raising children. Day by day. Loving and giving of yourself. Everything you have. Putting your children before everyone else.
No one loves like a Mother.
I agree.
As the saying goes,
"Don't get between a Ma'ma and her baby!"
Believe me that is true no matter the age of the child.
I guess what I am saying is. Don't ever question your Mother's love for you.
Especially if you have a relationship with her.
Talk to your Ma'ma
She loves you