Of course I feel like I have a huge sword stabbing me in my chest. Yep. Take a look at the sword to the right and THAT is what I have stabbing my in my chest right now. OUCH!
Sounds great huh?
Uh-m no! Thank you!
I was kinda hoping that feeling would have left me when I finished writing the letter. But it's still here. Ugh.
You know something?
It has been an amazing week!
No - Really - it has! I really dislike focusing on this pain I am feeling. In my heart - in my chest. It just seems to be so over powering at this moment. I so need to find my way - my way back to Him.
My way back to peace.
Oh how I wish I hadn't even left. I hadn't left, that place of rest, in Him.
I didn't want to - I truly did not - I simply had no choice.
I had to sit down and write this letter.
It HAD to be done. I actually thought about not writing it.
You know? Just forgetting about it, letting the whole issue slide back to the deep dark recesses of my mind?
That corner WAY back there?
You know the one I am talking about right?
Yeah-----well-------found out I don't have that dark corner anymore. hahah
I suppose that is a good thing J.
However - right about now I am thinking I would like a corner I could shovel some unwanted stuffs into from time to time!
That's where hiding in the
Shadow of his wings
Comes in so very nicely.
"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Psalm 91:4
I love the Lord and am so thankful He is here with me now.
I am so thankful for His unconditional love - for His Grace.
I am so thankful that He will never leave me or forsake me.
So thankful I can run to Him an hide in the shadow of His wings!
I'm coming Lord!
Back to you and to that incredible peace!