Prophetic Soaking Music

10/10/21's really THAT simple.......

Adonai, you are kind and forgiving, full of grace toward all who call on you.

Psalm 86:5

If we acknowledge our sins, then, since he is trustworthy and just, he will forgive them and purify us from all wrongdoing.

1 John 1:9
Need Peace?

Don't delay.... find the rest you need.

Yeshua/Jesus said,

 “Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

It really is, just that simple.

I love this

In a world in such turmoil.
In these times of such unrest.
When we are constantly being pursued by the enemy
and our faith tested at every turn.
As the line drawn in the sand can no longer be seen,
as it has been swallowed up by the chasm of difference between,
good and evil, darkness and light.
I love ever more so, these words of God,
which bring me such delight.

 Desist, and learn that I am God,
supreme over the nations,
supreme over the earth.”

Psalm 46:10


God knows

"Sometimes GOD will put a Goliath in your life, for you to find the David within you"

My Wish For You

My Wish For You

I wish I could take it away for you;
All the pain and torment, that seems so untrue.
I wish I could say I’ve walked down that road;
Have it be enough to lighten your load.
I want so desperately to reach out in some way,
To try my best to comfort you today.
Doing what ever is possible;
Turning time back if it were plausible.
It’s just not that easy though, I know.
As this is some where only you can go.
Even as someone who loves you so much;
It’s not mine you need, but the Master’s touch.
So I will be looking in on you through prayer.
In the morning and evening, with much care.
Trusting our good Lord to take care of you.
Believing him to see you through.
I shall do this with all of my might.
Remembering you, morning, noon and night.
Though this is so very hard for you;
Remember the Lord will always see you through.

I love you.


Copyright All Rights Reserved
By: AmyColleenKlapp