Prophetic Soaking Music


Dream of Darkness

Darkness was everywhere. It was so strange. I felt as if I had been here before. I recognized the people and the surroundings. Everything. The only difference was the darkness; and with the darkness there was a  dank chill in the air. Strangely enough the people were bustling about. Going to and fro like a normal day. We were in a downtown market place. In the city. There was chatter among everyone. What you would expect to hear except the sound had a deep timber to it. The peoples heads were hung low. There seemed to be a visible oppression hanging over them like a fog.

I was there among them in the market place, though they did not see me. Yet at the same time as I made my way through the crowd, each person moved out of the way for me as if they were compelled to do so. They moved completely out of my way. So much so that I couldn't speak to them or even get a good look at them to get their attention. I tried. I wanted so badly to reach out to them. I felt so badly for them. Everyone was so sad. I could feel their loneliness, their pain, their suffering. It was so very dark. More so than night time. Different even than night time. Almost as if there was an opaque, black, blanket of demonic fog or haze that had settled in around the city market place.

I tried for a while to reach out to the people. Then I just stood and watched and cried.

As Jesus spoke to me,

"Be the light you were meant to be. Shine for me. Let me shine through you. Come walk with me and let  my Holy Spirit have full control. See Great and marvelous things. The glorious mysteries of  my kingdom. You, you, are what I desire. I gave myself for you. I gave myself for them. Do you love me ? I love you. Walk with me. Take my hand and walk with me to the true promised land. See the glory of the God all around. Share what I have given you....with those in darkness. I love you them for me."