Prophetic Soaking Music


Truth -Speak it out

When others push me away you draw me close.

When others knock me down you pick me up.

When I am dragged under by a multitudes of things, you reach down with your mighty, righteous, omnipotent, right hand and pull me out of the mess.

You love me so; oh Lord, you really love me so.

Each day passes by and you show me more grace; Amazing grace.

I watch the obstacles of nature; try to learn from the mistakes and traps Mother Nature sets for the wild animals; and still I fall flat on my face like a blundering fool! There you are in flat second ready and willing to pick me up and help me to my feet! You are THEE most amazing, wonderful God!

How can so very many people say, “There is no God"? 

 There is such truth in the proverb that says, “A fool is a man that says in his heart there is no God.” 
For you show yourself evident in ALL things every day!
It takes a FOOL NOT to see YOU in SOMEthing!

Thank you my God for life!  Thank you for being my God! Thank you for choosing ME to reveal such unsearchable truths to! For surely you could have chosen anyone and yet you chose me.
 'lil ol' Amy Colleen.
Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!!  Forever Thank you!
 May my heart forever be a heart of thanksgiving.  May my heart forever be a heart of love.
May I always seek to offer everything I have possession of, back to you'
For it has first come from you, my gracious Holy God.

I love you….oh how I love you!

With all my heart, with all my strength and with all my mind.
with all my love ~ your very own


Lord - My Lord

You are a rock.
Your word is true.
Your promises stand forever.
You have told me something, I hold it close to my heart.
I will see it come about, for you have spoken it.

You alone I will extol!
With my voice I will lift up thanksgiving to you,
For all that you have done for me!

Though the enemy encamps about my house;
I will not fear, for you watch over me.
To keep me safe and all that you have given me.
God is for me; who can be against me?

Away from me you evil oppressors!
There is no room in my life for you!
I am His alone; the one who bought me with his life!
The lover of my soul; away all else I say,away!

Swoop down at his command; hosts of heaven.
Charge the oppressor! Defeat the enemy!
Secure the home of his beloved  hand maiden!
Let the Glory of the Lord come down!

Amy Colleen 

Love is for...(a repost)

….The One Who Is Wisest
Inspired by and dedicated to my sons Joshua, Jeremy & Jacob 

In the midst of devastation is the birth of new creation
As we learn to love as though no hurt existed in our life

The greater the pain and repair  the greater the passion and love we have to share
As we learn to love as though no hurt existed in our life

It is hard to forget when we forgive  but we must let go of our past to really live
As we learn to love as though no hurt existed in our life

Hand in hand, one step at a time  our hearts will unwind
As we learn to love as though no hurt existed in our life

It may take close to forever  but don’t ever say never
As we learn to love as though no hurt existed in our life

For life is full of surprises  for the one who is wisest - and
Learns to love as though no hurt existed in their life

copyright ©2012 AmyColleen  All rights reserved. 


5 Days Alone with G-d ...I remember

When I read this blog post from 2009, I was reminded how the LORD has always prepared me for what ever life has thrown at me. I could never imagine I would have to endure the trial I was about to endure. Still, the LORD drew me away to prepare my heart.


I never would have made it through what awaited me shortly after my time,

Alone with God. 

I know that now. 

God knew. 

God always knows.

Thank you LORD 


Alone with God

Alone with God

Quaking, shaking, crying

On my face

Holy, holy, holy

Nothing else

Only holy, only holy

Nothing else

Only holy, only holy

Sudden hush of glory

Peace, quiet, stillness,

On my face

Holy, holy, holy

Nothing else

Only holy, only holy

Nothing else

Only holy, only holy

Voice of God speaks

Small, quiet, mighty

Enters my soul

Heals, delivers, instructs

Heaven comes down

Humbled, thankful, jubilant

Angelic voices singing

Holy, holy, holy

Nothing else

Only holy, only holy

Nothing else

Only holy, only holy

I join in

On my face


Holy, holy, holy

Nothing else

Only holy, only holy

Nothing else

Only holy, only holy

Alone with God


Five Days Alone with God

March, 19, 2009

So I am laying on my bed, it’s about 10 o’clock at night. I am staring at the ceiling and just thinking about all that has gone on these last few months. So much has gone on in my life. So much has changed. Tears begin to drop from my eyes and run down my cheeks and I whisper, “Oh Lord I love you. I miss you so much.”

Where has 2008 gone? I have just been so busy. My life once predicated first and foremost on my time with my beloved Lord, now so filled with hours of work and study; an emotional rollercoaster filled with relational issues. My whole life seemingly turned upside down in a matter of just 6 months. What happened?

My tears continued to fall down my cheeks and I drift off to sleep.

5:30 a.m. my alarm goes off...and I hear the voices of angels singing as I  awaken into the day! They are singing a tune I wrote years ago. “Holy Holy Holy” I am so filled with peace. It is absolutely wonderful!  I am instantly ushered into the holy presence of Adonai....During my morning prayer  time, the Lord tells  me He wants me to take some time to be alone with Him. An extended amount of time.

Later that day I began to search for places to take a spiritual retreat. I made some phone calls; nothing was working out. But I still had such a strong sense that this is what the Lord was wanting for me. So I put in for vacation time and trusted the Lord to bring in the funds to pay for the trip and most importantly, I prayed that the Lord would speak to Dan and confirm through him if I was to go away for an extended period of time.

Dan agreed that this was from the Lord and said yes. The funds miraculously became available. However, I didn't know until just days before I left for my trip WHERE I was actually going. I prayed and one morning I just heard the words “Moravian Falls”.

 I had a limited familiarity of this place. Only that a friend lived there. So I broke open the computer and googled it. I found a small cabin  and it was available to rent for the days I had taken off. So....It was  off to Moravian Falls.

I stayed in a cozy little cottage/cabin a’top the Smoky mountains. 


Although I was the only one around for miles 

and the atmosphere was serene and peaceful 


After two days of on my face before the MOST HOLY of HOLIES - That all changed


You could literally see the tangible glory of the LORD streaming from outside!

It was so amazing!

There was NO SUN light!

Yet it was so bright it was BLINDING!


I had thee most incredible five days alone with God.

No T.V. No Phone. No Work. No one else; just me and my Lord.; it was wonderful.

I loved on him….He loved on me…..I sang to Him…..He sang to me.

He made me laugh…..He made me cry……It was sheer heaven ….Just My Lord and I.

I didn’t go looking for heavenly hosts…..I met with my Abba, Yeshua  and Ruach Hakodesh.

From sunrise to sunset….mid morning till afternoon…singing & dancing across the room.

Worship without end…blessings did HE send….peace from above… Father’s endless love.

Revelation’s from His Holy Word.

New Songs from HIS heart and from MINE

Hour after Hour….day and night after night.

In the stillness He is there…Not one thought or moment to a concern or thought to a care

For when I am with my God…all things are beautiful….all is at peace

I can sense nothing but His pure love and feel nothing but sweet release.

The Lord shared with me many things in those five days.

I hardly have the time to get them straight in mind…..much less to get them all down on paper.

The one stand out most is the one that seems to be furthest from the church today.

Be still and know that I am God.”

I will share more as I have time on other things He shared with me later.


Oh WHAT "Beauty" we are missing in the face of Our "Beloved LORD"....when we seek so diligently only after the bright and shinny gifts He holds!


Here are just a couple of the highlights I took home with me :)

A poem, a Prose and (one of my favorite) A conversation I had with the Lord in an almost completely audible voice….while standing outside on the top of the mountain….

What You Want From Me


Your heart Lord;

What you want of me, oh Lord.

To sit with you and listen to the desire of your heart;

To hear you tell me how you care, oh Lord.

To sit in silence, wonder and awe.

This is what little you want me to do.


And still I say, “What can I do for you?”

Precious Lord, Holy Master.

Tell me, “What can I do for you?”

I want to please you.


Still nothing has changed for you.

You want me to be with you.

Just be with you.

Come be with me ~ is all you say to me.

Come be with me.


And still I say, “ What can I do for you?”

Precious Lord, Holy master.

Tell me, “WHAT can I do for you?”

I want to please you.

Still nothing has changed for you.

You want me to be with you.

Just be with you.

Come be with me ~ is all you say to me.

Come be with me.

Still nothing has changed for you.

You want me to be with you.

Just be with you.

Come be with me ~ is all you say to me.

Come be with me ~ is all you want from me.

Just be me be with me.

a song….


Taken hostage by your love

I’m captivated

Nothing can keep me from your love


Dreams of mine, in you come true

You have captivated me

Now I am in love with you


Taken hostage by your love


Nothing can keep me from your love


By your love for me its true


My desire is yours too


You have captivated me

My heart will always be 

Captivated by you…..

copyright ©2009 by Amy Colleen. All rights reserved.

A Conversation I had with the Lord on the top of the mountain….. about trees.

March 23, 2009

What kind of a tree are you?

While I was away with the Lord in the mountains the Lord spoke to me about consistency. It was just before Spring and the trees still had not budded and though I was high in the mountains it was not very green.

I was looking out over the great expanse of the mountain tops. It was chilly and misty. Most of the trees were leafless. At first glance it wasn’t the prettiest sight. However I found myself drawn to the beauty of the stillness. I could almost hear the silence.

My first gaze was at the far away mountain tops which had a brown cast to them; covered over with a mist of slowly moving fog. As I drew my attention closer in I noticed patches of green grass and an evergreen tree here and there scattered about. It actually brought a smile to my face. I chuckled aloud. That’s when I heard Him.

It wasn’t startling, as I know my Lord is always with me. Soft and strong, but very matter of factly He spoke and asked me,

Amy Colleen aren’t they beautiful?”

I answered knowing exactly what He was referring to, the evergreens of course, for they had captivated me,

“Yes Lord…they really are quite beautiful. I had never noticed before.”

At least not like this.

I began to look around the hillside and I saw scattered about here and there in groups of two or three and sometimes by themselves evergreen trees; bright green evergreens trees. They “popped” out of the landscape as if someone had painted them into it to add color to a drab canvas.

It was like a light bulb had gone off inside of my head and then suddenly my focus had changed and I saw all of the other foliage, the drab leafless trees and bushes. There were so many of them, literally hundreds of them for every one of the evergreen trees.

At this point I heard the Lord say to me,

My Amy you know what I love about the Evergreens?

“What Lord?”

They are so faithful. They are always there. You may not notice them in the middle of summer or especially during the brightness of autumn when they are surrounded by the glorious foliage of the Maple Trees. Still they are there growing and providing shade, moisture and seeds continually throughout the year for all those passers by.

“Wow,” was really all I could think at that moment as my mind was being flooded with pictures of landscapes, small and large.

It was almost like a movie reel in my head. I was staring out over the mountains and I saw houses and yards; city halls, churches and then I saw Disney Land. I saw the Mickey Mouse and Goofy Evergreen bushes. That’s when I said,

“Oh! Lord…..what was THAT?”

The Lord answered me by reminding me that anything beautiful can be twisted and shaped into something artificial and used for something other than its originally intentioned purpose.

Thus making it still an evergreen but not living its divine order in life.

(Having seen the glorious evergreens on the mountain top just minutes before and then seeing the carved out Mickey and Goofy in my minds eye; there was no doubt in my heart that I would rather be the wild Evergreen if I was an evergreen tree at all)

This got me thinking….I began to think about how so many of us take such care to decorate our homes and yards with both Maple Trees and Evergreens.

They look so beautiful “together”. So I asked the Lord,

“Lord…..which is better…to be an Evergreen or a Maple Tree?”

Neither,” was all He said.

I had a feeling He was going to say that.

So I got up the courage to ask Him , “Which one am I Lord?” even though I already had pretty much knew I was an Evergreen.

The Lord just chuckled…shook His head….and started to talk about the Maple tree.

The colors are so vibrant and sometimes it seems as though they light up the sky around them; one of my favorite creations. A lot of energy is needed each season to allow for this transformation. Oh but how it’s worth it! Don’t you think my Amy?

I just stood there amazed as I had my eyes fixed on the most beautiful Maple Tree I had ever seen in my life…..the colors were luminescent; it almost glowed. I have never seen anything like it on earth, never.

Yes, Lord,” and I nodded my head.

The Lord continued,

The beautiful Maple draws so much attention and is revered by so many. People will pay much to have them and travel far to see them in there full state of maturity. However they cannot maintain, nor were they ever expected to maintain, their glorious colors without a constant cycle of dormancy and renewal throughout their life cycle.”

At that…..the Maple disappeared.

I was standing alone on the mountain top in front of my cabin.

Realizing that the Lord had been talking to me about people, not really trees.

Visualizing my minds eye the breathtaking landscape in front of me full of Maples AND Evergreens.

Discovering that the innumerous Maples with their stunningly, glorious foliage really would totally cover up the much less in number Evergreen trees. I wasn’t feeling too terribly good about being an Evergreen at this point.

Then I started to think about how I have actually seen Evergreen trees growing on the SIDE of rocky mountains and all alone in the middle of a dried up creek bed.

I thought about how even just earlier that morning I had seen a family of squirrels using an Evergreen tree for a house in the middle of winter. How Owls and even EAGLES use them to nest in.

My thoughts continued into the city life and how people use Evergreens to protect their homes from the scorching heat in the summer and the high winds during the storm season. Evergreens may not be effervescent and may not be gloriously beautiful but they are faithfully hearty and full of life all year round.

If you were a tree which one would you be?

Do you know?

Neither is better than the other.....if you think about the most beautiful landscape, it will have both complimenting each other.


