Prophetic Soaking Music


Why I'm CRAZY about Sonflowers

Oh and I spelled it that way on purpose!

You will note the spelling of "Sonflower” with an "O" for Jesus, the Son of God.
Why I wrote this:
One hot summer’s day, while talking with my neighbor I was asked the question, "If you could be a flower, what flower would you want to be?" I answered, “A sunflower." My neighbor quickly replied, (with a snicker, I might add.) "Why would anyone want to be a weed?”
I thought about it, and our Dear Lord gave me a revelation on the sunflower; now more than ever I want to be a Sonflower!
Did you know?
Sunflowers, when first sprouting from the ground are not considered flowers at all? They are in fact considered a member of the weed family. However, when in full blossom, the sunflowers bold and magnificent beauty paves the way so that they cannot be denied their place in the flower family. In a sense, I guess you could say they’ve been adopted! ~chuckle~

There are many different types of sunflowers. Each one of them different, in shape, color, size and purpose and yet every one of them resembling the sun.
Some of them are single flowers that in full blossom can reach up to 16 feet in height, 36 in. in diameter. Others grow in clusters sharing the stem that brings them life.

Sunflowers need lots of water and must have full sun everyday to reach their “full potential”. Although sunflowers will not die immediately without the light of the sun, they will not blossom without its light. Although once a sunflower seed that sprouted with “full intent to blossom”, without full sunlight and lots of water, the seedling will remain in its weed state, and eventually wither and die. As a seedling the sunflower needs water daily. As the sunflower plant grows and matures it has the ability to retain moisture and can go a long time between rain-fall. The sunflower from day one, even as a weed, follows the sun, east to west, dawn to dusk.

The sunflower is the strongest and largest of flowers. The harder the weather it has to endure the stronger the stem becomes. Sunflowers seem to grow best in fields of like sunflowers. However a sunflower’s true beauty is only fully appreciated when in the midst of flowers of a different family.

Sunflowers are the most productive of flowers, as well. They have no thorns for their beauty. They provide seed for the sewer and food for the birds of the air, the animals of the field and people alike.
You can find sunflowers wherever the sun [Son] shines for at least one half the hours in a day.
Be blessed as you bask in the Son!
Amy Colleen


I Want to be a Sonflower

Here I am once again, wondering what should I do
Close my eyes and hope for death? Or keep on pressing through?
Oh how I long to be like Him, my Master and my Friend
Strong, courageous and full of faith, right up 'till the end
My heart it aches to be renewed, with love from on high
But how it groans from all the pain, that makes it's home my life.

Oh Dear Yeshua, how I love you! You are all the joy I know!
Come Holy Master and Create, a masterpiece to show!
Take all the pain, disgrace and despair, that makes it's life my home
Replace it with your love complete, like no one has ever known!
I give you all I have to give, and still some more please take
Please come my precious Yeshua, take me now and make...

A flower bold and beautiful, that can't be overlooked
One that springs forth in surprise beside a trickling brook
Please make me a Sonflower, so there will be no doubt
That without the light of the Son, I could never have come about
A single flower that began as a weed, where it's seed happened to fall
Taking on the likeness of the Son, is it's only call
As it grows so tall and strong, reaching for the sky
Is when it springs forth in surprise, for all those passing by
A Sonflower that inspires praise, to God for all it's worth
For it's magnificent beauty and the seeds of life it births

Yes Lord, a Sonflower is what I want to be
Though at times, it's so hard, to grow up as a weed
I know that if I stay in your light
Drink only of the rain of the river of life
One day when my time has come
I too will resemble the Son
No more wishing this weed were dead
Just the picking of this flower for your centerpiece instead

Copyright January 2001. All Rights Reserved.
By: AmyColleenKlapp
