Prophetic Soaking Music


A Mother's Heart

Having a child changes you. Whether you are a man or a woman. Becoming a father or a mother. I am, however (in this post) speaking about the woman.

There are certain things that can never be understood by the "heart" regarding motherhood unless you are a mother. Even if you are a father, and I will add, even a great father.

This is a short post and the sole purpose of the preceding few sentences is to explain to the reader I am speaking about the woman. About the mother. 
Also, please let me make it perfectly clear. Let the reader fully understand that I am by any means demeaning the role of the man or the love of a father. Both roles are equally important. I am simply making a point and giving a shout out today directed at one and not the other today.

This being said, I just want to take a moment and give a great big THANKS and kudos to someone (who will remain nameless at this time) for going out of her way for blessing me, simply because they could.

A woman, become Mother. 

It was a subtle expression of understanding. 
Done out of love, prompted from a Mother's Heart.

Thank you.