Prophetic Soaking Music


What's Wrong with this Picture?

After posting my blog about forgiveness I had a friend email me about a situation pertaining to forgiveness in her life.  She had lived through some very difficult times and some of the closest people in her life; co-workers and friend and family had really let her down. Now she had forgiven them. She was certain. This had been many, many years ago. However she went on to describe her life circumstances over the past years; what had transpired in her life. Where she was socially and such and then asked me this question,

"What's wrong with this picture?"
It was clear my friend was not content with where she was. Certain she had forgiven all those who had wronged her. She had gone over, in detail, every offence and laid it at the cross. Again my precious, dear friend wondered and asked me,
"What is wrong with this picture?" 

This was my answer. 
I thought it was worth posting on here. 

Dear Friend,
I honestly can say, I don't know that there is anything "wrong" with the picture itself. I have found in life that when I see the same picture over and over again and it seems to be upside down or sideways or something like that. Generally it is  the view from which I am looking at it. The picture ITSELF is just fine.  It's just the view from which I am looking at it that needs to change.

Now - this is where YOU and your time with the Lord really plays an intimate role. Only HE can show you which way to turn the frame so the picture looks better. :) Or if you need to stand father away from the picture or sit down and look at it or what ever.

You very well may have "forgiven" all of these people in your life. 
Willed-to forgive them.
However, forgiveness is a VERB
So as much as we may desire to forgive someone - this is only half of the process.
It is, I believe, and scripture supported, the hardest and most important part. 
The next step is a partnership with the Lord and us. It's where the healing takes place. Not so much hard as it is or can be, painful.  (personally, I think this is why so many don't get beyond this point; because it is so painful. they are not willing to go through the pain)

You would know better than anyone Friend, where you are in the process of all this, with all those that have hurt you. When you have been through so much with so few to support you you learn to stand strong and become less than emotion. I know, I have done this myself. It is a survival mode. 

It is possible though Friend, to forgive the worst of offences. In some situations learn to love those that have hurt and betrayed you and even forget offences that most in this world would kill over.

I have done so. Only with hand of God in my life. 

Friend, I have had so many ask me, "How? How have you gotten what you have with the Lord?"
All I can say is, "Sacrifice and suffering."

Friend, you can take all you have lived through and focus on it for the rest of your life
forget it...leave it at the feet of Jesus....and move on.

I love you sister.