My perfect day.
The more I think about it the more I realize MY perfect day consists of of the simplest of requests.
Yet at the same time it is the very simple nature of the request that I believe is the reason I may never have them all in one day...thus never have "my perfect day"....well at least not while I am here here in this life anyway.
You see, all I desire for a day to be "my perfect day" is:
1) That no one argue with me for the entire day. That no one curse at me or belittle me for the entire day. Being in the business I am in I realize this is probably highly impossible.
2) I would also like to be someone's #1 for a change. Top of the priority list. Call me, I dunno, selfish, but I would just like to be on the TOP of someones call waiting for a change. You know? When you are on the phone with someone and they get another call? I would like to be the one who STAYS on the phone for a change.....NOT the one who gets the ol', "I'm sorry can I call you back I gotta take this call." Just someones gotta see YOU list.
3) Peace and quiet. Guilt free. No people, no animals. Just peace and quiet all to myself.
So yes, I am sure I could think of a few other things. But these are what I can not ever seem to get any of in my life right now.
I know one day I will have all of these. All at once and I can hardly wait.
Until then I will keep looking up,