Prophetic Soaking Music


No Passover Here

It's Passover AND Passion Week.

Two monumental times for both the Jew and the Gentile both. The Jew and Jewish believer in Messiah. Celebrate Passover remembering the deliverance of God's mighty hand. A week long celebration. Many Jewish believers will plan there entire year to take vacation during Passover and family members will travel across the country, some even fly over seas to be with family to celebrate this time together.

Just the same for the Gentile believer in Yeshua is Passion Week leading up to crucifixion Friday (also known as Good Friday). Followed by Resurrection Sunday.

These are such important and such defining High Holy Holidays for both the Jews and the Gentiles.

As they should be.

I just find it sad I guess, as I lay here tonight on my bed, thinking of those I know, whom I love dearly, celebrating Passover. I know they are enjoying a glorious celebration. As one would expect, and we are actually commanded to do. Yet, I know hearts are not clear.

I wonder, in times like this. In these circumstances...That as laughing and smiling ensue for the week - as the celebration takes place in the house -where they are - is our Heavenly Farther smiling too? Or is He sharing the pain of feeling forgotten and rejected - broken hearted and abandoned ?
Passover has not come to this house this year. I feel the pain - I share my daughters tears. If "I" do - How much more does our Heavenly Father?

He sent His only begotten son, to die for US... in our place So we would be reconciled to bring forgiveness - to bring reconciliation - make us one accord.....GOD has forgiven us soooo much...saying-

Thank you is not - can not - simply never will be enough - just said. My life poured out - a living sacrifice for you - Everything I am is yours - take it all even more than I said.

I love you .