ONE Body ONE Spirit
During my prayer time with the Lord the Lord asked me,
“Amy, what would happen if you took a building and removed all of its walls?
Both from the interior and exterior part of the building; what would be left of the building?”
I said,
“Just the foundation, Lord.”
He answered back…..”Exactly.”
At that, I sat with my eyes closed....and prayed a while; pondering what the Lord might be trying to tell me.
That's when I had this vision.
In the vision I was with the Lord and He pointed to a great many buildings ….different types of buildings….then the Lord said ,
“This is my church, my Body “ He went on to say, “My church has become dysfunctional because of these walls you see. This is not my doing. In my eyes there is one body, one spirit…….”
Then I saw all the walls fall to the ground …all at once.
(The exterior walls of the buildings as well as all the interior walls of every building)
There were no more barriers between any of the people, churches….nothing to separate the people….There were just masses of people… was beautiful...unexplainably nothing I have ever seen before.
Simultaneously as the walls fell, the churches and people came together as one; and at that exact same time the Lord said,
“In my eyes there is ONE body, ONE Spirit…”
Why is is this such a hard task to accomplish for us?
This is not the first vision I have had relating to this subject.
It seems we like to "hide away" in our "comfort zones". Where ever they may be.
Well, I am here to tell ya to get ready 'cause there is gonna be a whole lot a' shakin' going around!
What will be shaken ...will be shaken.....and what will be left standing will be ...and what won't be won't!
It is time to wake up O' sleeper.....grab hold of the promises of the Lord and head out into the world around you and spread the good news that the Messiah is on His way back!
Let's not get caught up in the inconsequential religious duties but rather pursues the the matters of eternal life and Gods kingdom. That He may be glorified and souls may be won and names written in the Lambs book of life!
One of my favorite sayings is that "God created diversity......He did NOT create division."
I truly believe often times we get the two of those "D" words mixed up!
Glory to the King!
Shalom in Yeshua HaMashiach