Prophetic Soaking Music


It's a Good Thing


It's a Good Thing

It’s a good thing I serve a good God who is faithful and true to his word.

It’s a good thing I know him well and he loves me.

As I have no one else who is faithful. 
No one else who loves me. 
No one in whose word I can trust.

I have no one else who I can turn to in times of trouble.

It is truly a good thing. 
Yes it is.

I have a husband. 
I have children. 
I have friends, sisters and brothers.

To what end?

They have all been unfaithful. 
They have all shown they are mortal. Capable of betrayal and lies.

A husband can be a curse. A child your deepest wound.

Your dearest friend no where near when it happens.

My God? 
My ever faithful and always loving God? 
He, has never failed me.

He has brought peace to my weary soul, refuge in time of storm.

He has strengthened my feeble bones.
He has put a new song in my heart!


Praise be to God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth!

Praise be to His Glorious Name!

Praise Him for His Wonderful Works! 

Praise Him for His Beautiful Creations!

Give Thanks to the Lord for he IS good! 
His Overwhelming-Overshadowing Love Endures Forever!

Halleluia!!! Halleluia!!! Halleluia!!! Amen!!!
Praise the Lord Oh MY Soul! 
Give Glory to God oh My Soul and Praise Him!

Be Joyful and FULL of Thanksgiving Self!
You ARE Beautiful in HIS sight! 
Surely the apple of his eye and the brightness of his creation!

Shine before all men that they may see his “SONshine in you!
 Give Glory to God!

Give glory to your GOOD God today!

SHINE! For your light has come! Shine!

Haleluia! Shine!

Halleluia! Shine!

Halleluia!!! Shine!

