Prophetic Soaking Music


Deep Down - Inside

Sometimes there is a sadness that is SO DEEP down inside you -  nothing can take it away. Also the very reason it is there acts as the mortar that makes it almost impossible to remove.

I am seriously concerned, in my case, for those that have caused such pain. For their willful, pre-meditated act to bring on such gruesome, deep and harsh pain without a given cause. I shudder when thinking they are able to do this to someone, even still someone who God has placed in their life for such a divine personal purpose and intimate relationship.

Frankly - this scares me

My concern - is for them.

I Want a Divorce

Wow. Pretty much the last 4 words you ever want to hear and definately the last 4 words you would ever expect to hear from your own child.
I gotta say, these are some seriously troublesome times we are living in that is for sure! No doubt in my mind!
All of my self pitty aside, and believe me I  have had plenty tonight, this is messed up!  But I will be the first to say,
"These are the signs of the times."
Kids "Divorcing" their parents - AS GROWN ADULTS.  With no apparent reason. The parent having done nothing to deserve this action, at all.
An obvious case of total deception.
Heart breaking and pitiful. To put it lightly. Shameful and totally  UN-Christ like to boot.  Definately leaves me with  even more of an  active understanding of Job and his life of trials and tribulations that is certain.
We are in a season of cleansing for the saints of God.  Season of divine obedience and sole devotion to YESHUA alone.
A season of  "Joyful Jobs"
Not necessarily a pleasant season to live through but a necessary one to be able to  grow into the divine  creation  that we have been called to - the likeness of Yeshua.
And what a feat  that is -
A lot easier said than accomplished.
BUT what is impossible with man IS POSSIBLE WITH GOD. Thankfully.
Oh dear Lord, help me.
For I am weak and my heart does not wish to beat any more. Such pain fills my lungs that there is no longer any room for the air that I need to breath.
Be the breath I breath -   be the I  life I need IN me  to keep my heart beating - lead and guide me every step through this journey called life...which has temporarily disguised itself as the saddest drama ever told .Do ALL thus....all for your glory.
I love you AND I thank you in the midst of ALL of this tribulation.
Your beloved hand maiden - AmyColleem
Oh, and p.s. - Please, bring my sons home..lead their hearts back to the truth. May they see you face to face and 'know" you again and the power of your love, forgiveness and grace. Give them  once again heats of flesh instead of stone that.they would be.moved to compassion.....on you. Amen