Prophetic Soaking Music


Three Tornadoes

A Dream

Is the Church Ready?

 I was inside a huge church building and I saw out the front window three tornadoes in the distance. I walked up closer to the window and stared  at them for a moment and saw them swirling around each other like crazy – back and forth – back and forth.

I hollered out, “Every one! Quick! Get down stairs!  There’s a tornado coming! Don’t worry about closing the doors, the wind will get them for you!”

Everyone headed for the basement except for a few people in leadership. They kept working. I stood there staring out the window. Then I saw the three tornadoes come upon a small town just blocks from us. As the tornadoes hit the city…the city instantly went up in flames. At that point I headed for the door of the church and went outside. I had absolutely no fear. I looked straight up into the sky. There were heavy winds blowing all around me and dirt flying because of the hard, dirt ground that surrounded the church grounds. At this point the tornadoes were right above me and the building and I actually saw the “face of a man” in the one tornado - right above me. I recognized the face.  Just as soon as I recognized the face - the tornadoes simultaneously dropped like heavy rain upon the church and the ground around ….so much so that the once hard, dry ground became like mud.

Then, people started coming up from the ground like dead people being made alive…..they had bandages on and were all dirty from the mud. Some had scars. They were ugly and some were so old.

I felt so bad for them…..I began to cry out to those that were in the church, “Help! Some body help me, help these poor people! Please!!”

Then the door to the building opened up and one by one a few people came out and began to help those that were covered from the storm and had all those wounds.