Prophetic Soaking Music


Bring Us Back Oh God

Have Mercy On Us and Bring Us Back Oh God!
I miss the company of those whose sole purpose in life is to see the touch of the Master’s hand on the poor and weary wanderer. 
I miss the day, when every day was a day of sole dependence on God for our every morsel of daily bread for which to feed the flock. 
I miss the day when worship rained down from Heaven like crystal drops of water and refreshed our souls with the scent of lilies and rose hips.
I miss the day when a garage was truly a garage and simply a place for the believer to gather to be refreshed and strengthen for our next purpose in life - encountering God’s lost ones outside the garage and sharing His love with them where they were.

Why? Why? Why?

Why, oh Lord does everything that man puts his hand to need to grow so big and so far away from his first love?

Why? Why? Why?

Why, Oh Lord do we need to feel so important and defend our own cause; justifying our moves with your name and rank?

Why? Why? Why?

Do we really think that if you do not approve you will swoop down from Heaven and simply stop us? Are we really so vain?
 Do we not know from your Word that you will allow us to continue and build our empires/ministries, and when the trumpet blows, we will all stand before and give account to you, for everything you placed in our life? 
What we did with them? Where we placed them on our scale of importance?

Oh Lord, God…have mercy on me….have mercy on us!!!! For our selfishness!!!! For forgetting about YOUR HEART….Forgetting about YOUR LOVE!!!
Forgetting about ALL THE LITTLE CHILDREN in the WORLD who go with out….ALL the MISSIONARIES,your childrenour brothers and sister in you whom we so proudly boast that we support, and give so very, very little to and all the while we are living the high life!!!  [Big houses, 3 meals a day, meals out, movies, vacations, etc. you name it!] 
 Forgive me Lord….forgive us LORD!!!! 
Have MERCY - OH God!!!!!
Holy Father….cleanse us with the Blood of your Son Yeshua…..wash us clean and give us your Heart I pray……remove from us our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh
Give us a giving heart; a heart that gives beyond our means or desires for ourself...that gives to poor and needy, trully to the poor and needy and not to ourselves first and  our own causes, first. 
Lord give us the desire ourselves to go!  
To GO! and feed the poor; to clothe the poor; to reach the needy and lost.
To be your hands and feet, Lord.
Give us eyes to see the world as you see the world, through Yeshua…..Give us your love, break our hearts, break my heart. Break our hearts like they have never been broken before.
Let us weep for those who are lost like we have  never wept before; so we will be uncomfortable. 
Make us uncomfortable LORD!!!!! Uncomfortable Lord!!!!!!
In the Mighty, ever loving, forgiving, passionate and just name of,
Yeshua HaMashiach   [Jesus the Anointed One]