Prophetic Soaking Music


The Man Whose Never Been


               THE MAN WHO'S NEVER BEEN               

People wonder what's come over me.
The change they can't seem to see.
Belongs to the love of my life.
  The man ~ who gave his life for me.

They make statements, causing such a fuss.
 They say, "This man is nothing more than dust."
They say I'm living fantasy with a man who's never been.
 With a laugh they ask me, time and time again,
"How can a man give his life, and yet you say he lives within?"

“Father, why can't they see?  Father, what's come over me?
  The beauty of your love ~ The grace that flows from your son.
  And me ~
 You have chosen me ~ to be your bride to be ~
 For all eternity ~ for all the world to see ~ for all the world to see.
Father, why can't they see?
 Father, how very real you are to me?”

“Some day, before too long, cause them to see they're wrong.
 Stir them, before it's too late.
 Father, save them from their horror filled fate.
Father, why can't they see?
 Father, why won't they see?”

People may wonder what's come over me.
  Soon, very soon all the world will see.
That this change is for real ~
That the love that I feel ~ has a purpose,
  Has a meaning,
Has a man, who is real, a man who can feel,
He gave his life ~ for me.

Copyright 2001All rights reserved
      By:  Amy Colleen (song)