Prophetic Soaking Music


Last Call for the Bullet Train! - Dream

"I jumped on - and it just began to go." 

A Night Time Vision

In my dream - all was well and quiet and I had just been awakened from a short nap by a loud sudden blast of sound. I was in my car. My bright, yellow V.W. Bug. The "Sonflower".

I saw a large bunch of people that I know, all prophetic in nature, running down the sidewalk. They looked directly at me as if they knew I was wondering what they doing and said, 
"We are going to get something to eat ."
I hollered back,  "Where are you going?"
They answered, "To the Burger King."
I answered them, "Wait for me! I'm coming with you!" 
(strange - I normally hate fast food. well Burger isn't always fast food!)

Next thing I know  they all piled into a very large car and pulled into the drive way, (very long driveway)  of a huge restaurant. I followed them in my Bright Yellow VW Bug.

They drove to the very back of the parking lot and around the corner and parked. I parked my car right up next to the restaurant. 

I hopped out and started walking to the restaurant. As I made my way towards the door I notice the strangest and most glorious thing,  it was "raining"  over the restaurant ! Only over the restaurant! 

I entered the restaurant and apparently had somehow, in my excitement about seeing the rain, had passed up the front door and entered in through the employee entrance instead of the customer entrance. 

Something inside told me I had been here before. So I just did my best to make it through the kitchen area to dinning room.
Which proved to be more of a task than one would think as there were very many people  leaving moving in and out of  the doors and I was trying to move against the flow of traffic.

Eventually I made my way through and into the dinning room. 

It was a beautiful place!!! It didn't look like a  fast food restaurant at all. That's is for sure!!!  There was a formal male host with menus standing at the front door to greet guests arriving. I "just knew" he thought I was going to sit down somewhere where for a long time and order up a feast.  Then there was this female hostess, a guide of sorts. I knew in my spirit she was different.
I got her attention and placed my hand over my mouth and half whispered to her,
 "I am here to go to Burger King."
She replied, "Ah, yes...right this way." At that she waved/swung her arm outward, away from her and the wall in the back of the restaurant opened in front of us.

I jumped on what looked to be to be a monorail train; and it just began to go.

The train was a spiffy new sleek looking train. Blue and silver bullet train. There was room enough to stand (for about 4-6 people) and on either side a place to lay down. Bunks. Bare bone, bunks. 2 on each side. One on top and one on bottom. There were windows all around. 
There were others on beside me. One woman who got on at the same time as I did, and one just before us and the the others were already on. Some were laying down in the bunks and some were standing. We all had our eyes wide open and looking out the windows.
As the train moved it picked up speed and we began to see the seasons change, rapidly change.

 I was looking out the window watching the seasons change. The seasons would change in nature and at the same time we would see times  socially and politically and many other ways. I stood there eyes fixed out my window watching and my ears tuned in to the very clear voice explain everything in detail  as it would happen. Sometimes before it would happen. Sometimes why it would happen and sometimes why it would not happen. I began to feel uncomfortable even a bit confined. An over whelming sense of urgency came over me. Came over all of us on the train.

This experience was, to say the least, super-natural. We saw a great many things. The seasons were changing. Very fast. The natural season and the supernatural seasons.
The voice that we heard was loud and strong and spoke the entire time explaining what we saw.

Everything was moving very fast.  Thus the FAST FOOD

Then the windows disappeared and we were coming to a slow. That's when I noticed the women that were standing there next to me. They were all talking about we had all seen and heard and they were talking about their ministry. What they had been commissioned to do. 

The doors opened and they ran out of there in a big hurry.

I woke up.