Prophetic Soaking Music


Gutt feelings

Sometimes we just have to go with them.  It could mean the difference between life or death in some instances.
Why is it though, that we hesitate so much of the time to act upon our "gutt feeling" ? Or sometimes known as our 'intuition"....or I have even used the term, (affectionatly) "the little birdie"....or "small voice" in my head.
What ever or however we describe it IT IS something we all have built-in and I believe built-in as a  SAFE GAURD, by none other than our creator Himself....TO HELP US OUT along lifes journey.
So again, I pose the question,  "Why do we NOT listen to our gutt feelings, small still voice, little birdie or intuition like we should?"

What'cha looking at ME for?

I am actualy asking the question for real.