Prophetic Soaking Music


All I Ever Wanted

All I ever wanted was a big family when I grew up.

Lots of kids
lots noise….lots of fun and lots of laughter.

I remember what it was like growing up in all of that.

“Craziness”….simply put – CrAzY…..but I wouldn’t have had it any other way!

I miss those times….I miss my Mom and I miss my Dad and I miss all my brothers and sisters. I miss the crazy holiday gatherings; Dad on the piano, Mom in the kitchen and a house FULL of the rest of us and our cousins and friends and neighbors. Lots of food and fun!

I could reminisce about individual times (I remember them like vivid movies in my head!) but there are soooo many; and they are all hilarious and fun and full of love each one!

Mostly I just miss my family.

Funny…..all I ever wanted when I was young was to be a mom and to have a big family.

Here I am a mom, with five kids. But no big time family gatherings filled with music and fun, food and frolic.

How ironic is that?


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