Prophetic Soaking Music


The Killer Storm

A Dream

I had the worst dream ever. Or perhaps one of the most merciful.

I fell asleep and as soon as I did I dreamt that I had driven into the worst storm I had ever encountered.

I had left my home where I currently reside. Rounded the corner and headed up the main street in our neighborhood. I had just left home having gotten everyone in the house ready for the day. i.e. I had packed everyone lunch to take with them to work and double checked to make sure they had everything they needed to face the world.

I suddenly realized as I rounded the corner that I had been so preoccupied helping everyone else in the house get for the day that I had rushed out the door empty handed. I had nothing but the clothes on my back. I was all dressed and ready for work but I didn’t have a lunch. I didn't even  have a bottle of water and I always have a bottle of water with me.  I hadn’t even had a chance to say goodbye to anyone.

This really upset me. So I picked up my cell phone to call home and at least tell the girls I loved them, but before I could even begin the conversation my eyes were held captive by the fast approaching storm -directly in front of me.

It was HUGE.

The clouds were dark grey and white. They were swirling fast and furious. At first I didn’t make any attempt to slow down, thinking to myself as I watched it in the distance, “It looks like a bad storm but it is down the road a way. I will take a different route and avoid it.”

But without notice, within seconds right smack in front of my car there appeared soaring through the sky pieces of debris - a house - a car a tree. I knew at that moment I was in BIG trouble. There was nothing I could do. No where I could go. In a split second; all at once, I threw my cell phone down to the floor of the car. I took hold of the steering wheel tightly with both hands. I stepped on the gas peddle with all my might as if to try and drive straight through the middle of the storm; shut my eyes tightly and screamed a blood curdling scream, “I LOOOOOVE YOU LORD!!!!!!!

Knowing in my heart this was probably my time to go home and be with the Lord.
I even thought, “This is why I didn’t bring anything with me; God knew I didn’t need it.”
Still, I wasn’t going without a fight.

That was the last thing I saw before I woke up - suddenly. Just like that.

I can not describe how surreal this experience/ dream/night vision was.

I can tell you that through it all - I had perfect peace.

There is a storm headed our way.

I am ready.

Are YOU?

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