Eating the best and most yummy jelly beans first.
Then of course you end up with the not so yummy and delicious jelly beans. Hmmm, do I continue?
This is the real quandary I find myself in.
Each and every year.
But of course I do. Continue that is. Eating the jelly beans.
The not so yummy and delicious ones. Still, even further I take this quest - ending up munching on the yucky ones that find themselves all alone at the end of the candy dish.
Yep. That is right. You heard me.
I actually end up eating the ones I don't like.
*CrAzY* - I know.
Why? Why do I do this?
Be darned if I know.
Year after year I go through this ridiculous ritual.
Now mind you !
It can't be just any ol' jelly beans - oooooh no!
It has got to be Brach's Classic
Jelly Bird Eggs
Oddly enough - I find it some what comforting.
I am convinced I am lulled into a non-existent or past existent world (by a massive over dose of sugar and chemical color food die) one that is void of any sadness or absurd interpersonal relationships.
One where my Mum is still here on earth and I actually see my adult children and get to see my grand children. A world, here, where my heart is not broken
all the time by those I love the most. A world where I can enjoy the hugs
of my kids and grand babies like God created me to!
Yes. Yes. That is why I do it. For the sheer joy of this silliness.
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