Prophetic Soaking Music


God Loves You With an Everlasting Love 🦋

God loves you with an everlasting love.


Because HE is eternal.
HE is the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end.
HE is ETERNAL. God knows no other way to love but eternally.

God loves you unconditionally and completely and will stop at nothing to make sure you understand this truth.


Because He already has already given His best for you. He can give you no less.

God has given His very best, His very own beloved son, as a sacrifice to atone for the sin of ALL humanity. The first human to the last.

WHY?    Because ........

YOU are beautiful to God.

You ARE beautiful to God.



God, the creator of the universe......the stars the moon and beyond....all the beauty that there is ....all the GOOD there is and was and ever will be....HE longs to know you....He longs to talk with you.......and share with you HIS love.....HIS peace...."pure" love and a peace that the world does not understand and a peace the world can not give nor can it take away, with YOU!

Satan....the deceiver....has lied to you. He has brought you great grief in your life. Fear has filled your heart....gripped your soul and you have believed all that he has told you.....that it is too late to find peace of mind and that God would have nothing more to do with you.

This is NOT TRUE!

****From Heaven a cry comes forth****
“I am God...and I love you! I sent MY only begotten Son, Yeshua into the world to be a sacrifice, once for all. To bring life where there was death! For all who believed in Him for the forgiveness of their sin.”

All you need to do is believe!

Believe! Receive!

God loves you. ❤️
Come to Him and live! 🦋


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